Slate Roofing Company Receives US Patent

Chicken Coop with hook and loop attaching slate roof

Millennium Slate LLC has been issued United States Patent 10,829,937 B2 "Roofing System and Method." This patent, and other patents and trademarks pending, covers Millennium's unique hook and loop adhered slate roofing system.

Millennium's President Phil. C Prehoda is one of the inventors, along with colleagues Fred Whitridge and Tom Collard. "This has been a remarkable path from concept to a highly automated manufacturing process which has been well tested," stated Prehoda. Millennium was founded to pursue this unique method of attaching slate to a roof with hook and loop fasteners. The company took over a year to identify the correct adhesive and other components. The system has been tested from sub zero to the high summer temperatures slate experiences in typical installations. A successful wind tunnel test at 160mph with a mockup on a 6/12 roof pitch has been performed and will be repeated with production materials and wind driven rain.

Millennium's system goes on the roof over 10 times faster than the nailing required by traditional slate application. A typical installation weighs half of what a traditional slate roof weighs. "While we are delighted with these features, we will also continue to pursue traditional slate applications. The Millennium system works well in situations where traditional slate doesn't. We believe the installation speed and light weight will expand the slate roofing market," said Tom Collard, President of Millennium's parent company Evergreen Slate Co. Inc.

Further patents on the roofing system are being pursued.  Millennium is also prototyping its automated manufacturing system of glue adhered hook and loop strips on other construction materials such as thin set brick, tile, wainscoating, wall paneling, and ceiling tiles. For further information please see

Source: Millennium Slate LLC