Simio Collaborates With Handre Dreyer to Host Webinar on Rapid Block Cave Simulation Using Data-Driven Modeling Technology

A representative of Simulation Engineering Technologies in collaboration with Simio LLC will host a free webinar discussing rapid block cave simulation, using data-driven modeling technology. The discussion will include the application of a new simulation modeling technology to develop a detailed scaled model of an underground block cave operation and the results of its use.

Handre Dreyer, Manager of Scheduling and Warehouse Solutions at Simulation Engineering Technologies, will discuss and present a paper on the application of a new simulation modeling technology to create a simulation model of a complex underground mining operation. The webinar will focus on how the innovative simulation modeling technology was used to rapidly develop an underground block cave operation. The advantages, which include assisting the mine operator to perform accurate product planning and complex scenario analysis, will be discussed.

The webinar will showcase visual models of the complex mine operations and highlight how rapidly the new simulation technology was applied to develop models of the complex mine with multiple caves. Handre will discuss the data-driven modeling process, the rapid modeling technique used, and showcase the level of detail achieved using the new simulation technology.

Participants will learn about the data-driven approach to creating the simulation model which leveraged mine plan data and digitized drawpoint coordinates. Mining evaluation and experimentation scenarios such as production planning, material handling capacity, and probability testing, which the rapid block cave simulation model enabled, will be discussed in detail.

"The new simulation technology intends to speed up the development process for modeling complex mining operations and empower mining enterprises with the tools to rapidly perform complex analytics and reduce operational cost while optimizing the operational capacity of mines," Eric Howard, Vice President of Marketing at Simio, said. He further stated that "the webinar will provide participants with the opportunity to scrutinize the new simulation technology and its data-driven process by asking the speaker diverse questions relating to its application." To attend the webinar on Nov. 5, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. ET (3:00 PM UTC), please register here.

Media Contact:
Eric Howard

About Simio LLC:

Simio LLC is an enterprise software business delivering disruptive solutions uniquely positioned to improve the design and operation of our customers' businesses. Simio software is based on ground-breaking Simulation technology and is trusted by decision-makers in the world's largest companies. We are an agile, fast-growing business solving the challenges of the 4th industrial revolution. For more information about Simio LLC and the Simio Forward-Looking Digital Twin, visit

Source: Simio LLC