Roy Okumura's New Book "Born with the Wolves" is a Creative and Engaging Story that Portrays a Child Born to Loving Human Parents, Only to Be Delivered into the Wild

New York, NY, November 30, 2016 ( - Roy Okumura, a product of the foster system and dedicated writer, has completed his most recent book “Born with the Wolves”: an intriguing and thought provoking tale of a child lost to the wilderness as a baby, found and raised by wolves, then presented with the choice to live as a man.
Roy shares that he draws on personal experience when writing. He says, “The main character is a representation of me and my life… most of the things that Kiba will go through throughout the story are things that I myself have gone through in one-way shape or form.”
Published by Fulton Books, Roy Okumura’s book is about a boy named Kiba Oakley who was raised by wolves when his parents Martha and John died shortly after he was born in a tragic accident.
Readers are invited to follow through his transition from being a baby boy who was raised by wolves to a human child who is raised by loving and caring foster parents.
Throughout this book, Kiba must decide whether or not to live with the humans who love and care for him or to become the wolf cub his wolf pack raised him to be. He must also decide whether or not to remain in contact with his birth family or abandon them and walk a path of his own. Either way, the path he chooses will be a hard and dangerous path fill with challenges and temptations lurking around every corner that he must overcome to become the person or beast he wants to be.
Readers who wish to experience this enveloping work can purchase “Born with the Wolves” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.
Please direct all media inquiries to Gregory Reeves via email at or via telephone at 877-210-0816.
Source: Fulton Books