Ron Quartararo Announces Vision for Baseball Camp for Underprivileged Kids

Ron Quartararo, the Managing Principal at a Fortune 100 communication company is proud to announce his personal vision for a new youth baseball camp that will benefit underprivileged children.

The new baseball camp is still in developmental stages, and has yet to be named. Details about funding, structure, and organization are also forthcoming. However, Quartararo's excitement about the new non-profit is clear.

When asked about the baseball camp's goals, Ron Quartararo comments, "The youth baseball camp league will have two primary focuses. One, we want to instill underprivileged youth with values, starting with sportsmanship, and then moving out into other areas that apply to life as a whole: integrity, trust, respect, etc. Secondly, we want to teach the kids some basic skills and instill in them some self esteem. It will also give them the opportunity to hopefully see things and meet people they would not otherwise have a chance to do.

While Quartararo's baseball camp has some lofty goals, the strategic solutions manager remains steadfast in his belief that the basic premise is quite simple. Rather than trying to achieve too many things through one organization, the youth baseball camp will focus on providing a basic, quality experience that kids can return to year after year, season after season.

Ron Quartararo, is no novice to charity. Quartararo has participated in various charitable organizations as a board member and in other capacities, and understands the need to be focused. Right now, the key goal is seeking a major sponsor and benefactor.

Ron Quartararo welcomes questions and comments about his latest charitable venture, a youth baseball camp for underprivileged children. For more information, contact Ron Quartararo at

About Ronald Quartararo

Ronald Quartararo
1666 Werninger Street
Houston, TX
