RevoLusion Consultants: Making Positive Community Impact

- RevoLusion Consultants, Inc.'s President shared details on the firm's latest giveback event. He also outlined a few of the prime benefits a company receives from supporting good causes in the community.

​Everyone on Team RevoLusion Consultants, Inc. was excited for the company’s most recent philanthropic endeavor, which supported the Wounded Warrior Project. Luis, the firm’s President, explained that he chose this cause because it’s important to give back to those who sacrifice for our freedom. He also noted that a few members of his team are ex-military, so giving back a portion of the company’s proceeds from Memorial Day was a natural fit.

Luis is passionate about giving back to the region, which is why he strives to instill this commitment to community support in all members of Team RevoLusion Consultants, Inc. The President noted that he wants the firm’s associates to be leaders out in the field and in their communities, setting positive examples for everyone with whom they interact.

While he was growing up, Luis was taught to be grateful for what he had. He explained that he still feels this way because not everyone gets the same opportunities. Luis comes from a family of immigrants who worked their way to the top but wouldn’t have been able to do it without help from those in their communities. With this in mind, he wants RevoLusion Consultants, Inc. to be known as a company that cares about making positive impacts and creating opportunities for people.

RevoLusion Consultants, Inc.’s President on the Benefits of Giving Back

Luis believes philanthropic endeavors instill good values and morals throughout a team. The more Team RevoLusion Consultants, Inc. gives back, the more the company’s work atmosphere improves personally and professionally. This is also true for the community as a whole, which Luis cites as another primary reason for taking part in these events.

Companies also develop stronger reputations in their regions by consistently supporting good causes. Along with the positive PR that comes with philanthropy, team members get to interact with local leaders and influential businesspeople when they come together to make a positive impact. The goodwill a company creates by volunteering or fundraising often spurs stronger customer loyalty.

Luis hopes to support at least five charities by the end of 2018. He also wants to host a philanthropic event in the Jacksonville area. The firm’s giveback commitment figures to grow even stronger in the months and years to come.

About RevoLusion Consultants, Inc:

RevoLusion Consultants, Inc.’s vision is to deliver innovative telecom services to targeted audiences. The team uses rewards and incentives to spark excitement for cutting-edge tech solutions. Data-driven market insights and thorough customer research shape tailored messaging to maximize engagement. Each campaign is deployed when and where it will make the biggest impact, with proven methods that boost conversion and retention rates. In-depth training keeps the team ahead of the latest trends, ensuring that they remain poised for big outcomes. Discover more about why RevoLusion Consultants, Inc. leads the way in outreach throughout Fort Lauderdale. Go to

Source: RevoLusion Consultants