Retired NFL Players Meet for a Second Time May 25, 2011

The largest group of representatives of retired NFL Players met to reach a consensus on proposals for "important improvements in retired player benefits."

Representatives of the National Football League acknowledged the need to provide "important improvements in retired player benefits" on April 4th. They stated it was the "fair" and "right" thing to do in "respect" and "recognition" of their contributions to the game. The League said the retirees "voice" needs to be heard.

On May 25th, the largest collective group of representatives of retired NFL Players ever assembled met a second time to reach a consensus on a series of united proposals for these needed improvements.

The League has said that everyone needs to "focus on negotiations" because "there is a deal to be made." We agree. The retirees therefore unanimously agreed to submit to the League a detailed framework for changes in retiree pensions, medical coverage and benefits, and disability programs. The framework will also include a component of medical monitoring for retirees that is designed to detect or prevent illness or disease at its earliest stages and provide for timely treatment.

The retirees invite the League to be available for meetings beginning as early as Tuesday, May 31, to discuss this framework, exchange ideas and comments, and be best prepared to reach resolution when mediation formally resumes on June 7th and 8th in Minneapolis.

As expressed in the April 4th letter from the League to the retirees, the League wished to hear the "voice" of the retirees. We are speaking. It's now time for the League to listen.

Any questions concerning this information should be directed to Michael Hausfeld at Hausfeld LLP (202) 540-7200 or Daniel Mason, Mark Feinberg, or Shawn D. Stuckey at Zelle Hofmann Voelbel & Mason (612) 336-9100.