Remote Work Can Damage Career Advancement, New Study by Alliance Virtual Offices Finds

HENDERSON, Nev., May 4, 2022 ( - Remote workers are 38% less likely to receive bonuses and work 50% More overtime than their in-office peers - Hybrid workers fare best.
Alliance Virtual Offices analyzed millions of data points and hundreds of studies to determine what, if any, impact remote work had on career advancement.
They found that remote workers were 38% less likely to receive bonuses than their office-working counterparts, worked nearly 50% more overtime, had worse performance reviews, and mostly lived in areas with higher-than-average costs of living. However, more women than men work from home, the employment rate for disabled online workers dropped less than for non-disabled employees, and Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders were represented as the largest demographic to be work from home employees.
Relevant extant literature was reviewed from reliable sources by an experienced academic librarian to reach these conclusions. They sought to discover working from home had an impact on career advancement.
Bonuses: Remote workers are 38% less likely to receive bonuses.
Performance reviews: Remote workers have worse performance reviews and don't advance as quickly as their office-working peers.
Pay scale: Hybrid workers earned on average 23% more than remote workers, and 12% more than office-only workers.
Location: 70% of cities where remote work is most popular have a higher cost of living than the national average.
Setting Wages: 70% of workers agreed that remote workers' wages should be set by the cost of living in their city of residence.
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Mat Calica, 1-888-869-9494
Source: Alliance Virtual Offices