ProAm Sports Medicine Leads Entertainment and Sports Industries Back to Live Events With Covid Testing Results in 30 Minutes

LAS VEGAS, June 29, 2021 ( - ProAm Sports Medicine (ProAm), the nation's leading COVID-19 testing provider for live entertainment and sports venues and Nevada's largest sports medicine practice, is providing 30-minute rapid testing services for the successful and safe return of live events.
The sports medicine clinic has traveled the country in recent months administering Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.'s Accula System prior to live events to ensure the safety of all entertainers and their teams and event staff. Thermo Fisher's Accula Rapid RT/PCR is the preferred and most accurate method, producing results in 30 minutes and eliminating lengthy quarantine periods. ProAm has provided COVID-19 testing solutions to some of the biggest names in sports and entertainment, including UFC, Miss Universe, NCAA, and Showtime.
"When the COVID-19 pandemic began, we had to shift our medical services towards testing in order to help our clients continue to produce events," said ProAm Sports Medicine Chief Executive Officer James Murphy. "We provided nationwide testing resources and medical personnel and were directly responsible for Combat sports being able to be the first of the professional sports to resume events. For many athletes and their fans, the continuation of Combat sporting events provided a sense of normalcy missing during the pandemic."
Previously, testing required a quarantine period while waiting on samples to be processed at a lab, which limited practical usage on event days or within tight event schedules. Thermo Fisher's Accula Rapid RT/PCR test allows ProAm to incorporate RT/PCR testing into all required testing windows, with results in a half hour and no quarantine period.
ProAm provides complete COVID testing solutions, nationwide, specific to each event and venue, working in a coordinated effort with event production and venue management. Through its partnership with Thermo Fisher Scientific, ProAm produces and manages effective "bubbles" surrounding sports and entertainment events ensuring the health and safety of talent, production, and live audience. Individuals in the bubble are tested in zones, ensuring that talent and all hands needed to execute a safe show are healthy.
"COVID has produced an emphasis on event medicine," said Murphy. "ProAm was built to standardize care for athletes and entertainers following injury; testing, examinations, surgery, preventative care, and post-surgical therapy are all part of our efforts to make sure the show goes on."
ProAm Sports Medicine, a premier provider of event testing services, sports medical examinations and injury treatment, provides a variety of medical services for live entertainment venues and athletes of all ages and skill. ProAm Sports Medicine oversees the entire treatment process for athletes and provides performance-based training and resources for injury prevention and achieving maximum athletic potential. For more information about ProAm Sports Medicine, contact 800-674-9515 or visit
Media Contact: Paige Candee
Source: ProAm Sports Medicine