Positive Singles to Participate in National Women and Girls HIV Awareness Day

Positive Singles has announced that they will be taking part in the National Women's and Girls' HIV awareness day. This day is held on March 10 by the Office of Women's Health of the Department of Human and Health Services.

Positive Singles recently announced that they too will be doing their active bit by participating in the National Women's and Girls' HIV Awareness Day. This day is held on March 10 and is mainly done to create an awareness regarding how to curb the spread of this sexually transmitted disease.

Positive Singles is one of the top dating websites that offer help, support, and a chance to seek companionship to all those who are diagnosed with either HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases.

Thus, by participating in this initiative, the site wants to do their bit to stop the spreading of the disease. There are so many people who are unaware of the specifics, and this is why an awareness campaign has become the need of the hour.

Suny Zhang, the CEO of the site, was quoted as saying, “By using condoms, not sharing syringes, and limiting sexual partners, there is a way to stop the spread of HIV. At our site, we help people suffering from HIV seek the right partner. But, this doesn’t mean that we do not want to remedy the situation. With our active participation, we are hopeful that more and more women will be able to stop themselves from falling prey to this deadly disease.”

There are several precautionary steps that one should take. Not only this, but those who are diagnosed should start the anti-retroviral treatment immediately. While there is no cure for HIV, this treatment can help in strengthening one’s immune system and give one a comparatively longer span hopefully. Hence, it's these little details and the awareness campaign that can make a difference. 

Those who would like to explore more details about Positive Singles and the kind of features that this site has to offer should make it a point to visit https://www.positivesingles.com

About Positive Singles

Positive Singles is one of the popular dating websites for all those who have been diagnosed with HIV or other STDs. The site aims at offering both support and companionship to such people and help them seek the right partner. 

Source: PositiveSingles.com