Pariksha Labs Launches "FilmiFilmy- Your Favorite Bollywood Songs In Video", Now on Android!
Online, May 20, 2014 ( - FilmiFilmy brings over thirty two thousand (32,000) hindi film songs in video clips on a single easy to use mobile app making it possible for consumers to find and watch their favorite film songs when they want to. "Most Indians have grown up on film songs and they remain an integral part of our lives. I noticed that my friends were sharing links for film songs over FaceBook and decided to build an app to bring all the glorious songs from hindi cinema together, so that consumers can not only listen to the songs but also watch their favorite actors and the film clips at the same time." - said Mr. Arvind Jha, Founder/CEO at Pariksha Labs. "There is an ocean of free content on internet but it is hard for an average user to discover stuff they want. We have developed sophisticated server side algorithms to discover hindi film songs, index them and bring them to the user in a simple app so that they can enjoy their music and share their feelings with friends and family thru these songs." - he added.
Filmi Filmy is a FREE app that aggregates over 32k songs over the last 50 years. It not only allows the user to search (by song name, film name, singer name, year) but also create playlists and share their playlists with their friends and family via an in-app-purchase (IAP). "We want users to select songs by moods, themes, singers, films, actors, any combinations and share their selections with their friends and families. All their selections will be stored on our servers and available from any device on-demand. Consumers can access this feature for a very small in-app-purchase" - Mr. Jha indicated.
FilmiFIlmy was launched in March this year for Apple AppStore and quickly became the top new music app for India and the #1 ranked music app in Pakistan. It was launched last month on Windows Phone Store and became a FEATURED app within 4 weeks. It presently has over over 40,000 users and on the IPhone and Windows Phone Stores. The company is expecting a strong reception to the app on android platform given the widespread adoption of android smartphones in India. The company is promoting the app with the tag line "Make your own Chitrahaar" referring to a popular TV show from the 70s-80s.
FilmiFilmy is available immediately for download at -
Pariksha Labs Pvt. Ltd. is a leading Indian app publisher focusing on content for Indian residents/diaspora. It has 4 mobile apps around news, films, music and social gifting in its portfolio and is working on a book/magazine app. Pariksha also offers R&D focused Software Development services and specializes in building new products for its customers.For more information visit