Parents Take Their Cause Directly to the Governor

Thousands commit to sending Governor Cuomo a clear message of inappropriate homework in just the first 24 hours of this online campaign.

Contact: Mark Ferreris
Phone: 516-306-6148

(Thousands Commit to Sending Governor Cuomo a Clear Message)

N.Y., January 30, 2014 -- Mark Ferraris, in coordination with Michael Panessa, Stop Common Core in New York State, and United to Counter the Core, today launched a new activism campaign, "Can You Do It?," that aims to present Governor Cuomo with samples of inappropriate, inaccurate, and poorly-written homework produced under the Common Core. The campaign centers on how the EngageNY modules are riddled with errors, flaws, typographical mistakes and unanswerable questions. The campaign includes an online Facebook meme, a Twitter component, and an event for those who wish to be reminded daily.

The Facebook meme includes an image of a child struggling with homework and presents the challenge, "Can You Do It?" for Governor Cuomo, along with his email address in Albany.
The Twitter meme is similar, but includes the Governor's Twitter handle.
The event, coordinated by Stop Common Core in NYS, allows facebook users to be reminded daily of the need to send homework.

"I created this event because on a nightly basis I see thousands of children and their parents suffering with this suffocating, mind numbing curriculum, Common Core; it has reduced once happy, well adjusted children to mere shells of their former selves.," said Mark Ferreris, initiator of "Can You Do It?" "They have been brought to levels of despair and frustration that have resulted, in some cases, in self mutilation and thoughts of suicide. Our governor has continued to push this abusive educational reform, and so I decided to let him see for himself the inappropriate lessons being taught to every child no matter their capacity to learn by having parents send him the homework and see if he can do it; it adds a human element to this inhuman reform ... the children"

In the first 24 hours, the campaign was viewed by over 6,400 people, with 350 promising to send homework to the Governor. The repeating homework event had 230 participants. The campaign's initial flight will run through May 2014, during the statewide standardized testing.

The graphic campaign was created by Michael Panessa, who was recently appointed media designer for several non-profit organizations. Media planning and placement is being handled by Stop Common Core in New York State and by United to Counter the Core.

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For more information, or to schedule an interview, please contact Mark Ferreris at 516-306-6148 or by email

About Mark Ferreris
Mark Ferreris is a Commack, Long Island parent of school-aged twins, a two-year fighter against Common Core in New York State and founder of TAKE ACTION AGAINST COMMON CORE.

About Stop Common Core in New York State
Stop Common Core in New York State exists to inform and educate parents about how the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) agenda is federal takeover of the education. This will remove you as a parent and give you no say. States were coerced and bribed with incentives to be part of this Common Core agenda. Your New York school tax dollars have been hijacked without your knowledge or consent. Ask yourself why you are just learning about it now through your child and only recently, two years after the implementation started? Start researching and educating yourself. Then empower others with the knowledge you can pass on.

About United to Counter the Core
United to Counter the Core is a national organization dedicated to providing strategic media and communications support for local, regional, and statewide parent groups supporting quality public education.

About United to Counter the Core
