Opening Asia Based International Open Access Journal of Science, Science Postprint, on June 11th.
Online, June 12, 2013 (
General Healthcare Inc. (GH) provides a variety of web solutions mainly to healthcare and life-science related industries. GH recently released an International Open Access Journal of science, the Science Postprint(SPP), and is currently recruiting academic referees for peer-review.
Since modern times, the West has been the center of development for the International Academic Journal of Science, and Asia-based service has never been in existence. Thus, SPP's objective is to become the foundation of industrial academia collaboration and international collaborative research by improving research environment in accordance to the growth of scientific and technological studies in Asian nations.
ã€From an Exclusive Domestic Environment to an Open Global Environmentã€'
Japan has been improving its level of academic research and releasing numerous Nobel Prize winners. However, its researching environment still has not been developed enough. Formerly, Japan's academic publications were exclusive and non-international, but recently academic institution has taken initiatives. Due to this situation, General Healthcare Inc. decided to publish the first International Open Access Journal of Science in modern science history based on its company mission: to promote distribution of specialized information.
ã€On-line Free Perusal Available for Everyoneã€'
Scientific Journal is on a transition period, and accordingly its former system of publishing paper-medium scientific journal has been in decline. Open Access Journal, which has high flexibility of copy-right and allows free perusal of articles on-line to everyone, is becoming more diffused. By integrating the concept of Open Access Journal, SPP made free subscription, high flexibility of copyright, unlimited on-line capacity, prompt peer-review and publication its fundamental policies. SPP is a scientific journal specialized in medical and life-science field.
ã€Recruitment of Referees ~Contributes Part of the Profit~ã€'
SPP is recruiting volunteering referees from non-profit organizations to peer-review medical and life-science field papers. Unlike other journals, SPP has formulated a point-system which contributes part of the profit to research institutions based on the earned points instead of a complete voluntary peer-review. Other privileges such as free membership fees and discounts on submission of articles are available for the betterment of researching environments. We will gradually expand our business towards researchers throughout the world.
Science Postprint :
About General Healthcare Inc.
1. Corporate Name: General Healthcare Inc.
2. Representative Name: Shinichiro Takezawa
3. Address: 2-2-12 Aoyama Minato-ku Tokyo, Japan
4. Description of Business: An enterprise aiming to make the best use of the information and technology related to healthcare promptly.
5. Website:
<Contact Information>
General Healthcare Inc.
CEO: Shinichiro Takezawa