NuvoAir Home Platform Expands to Include Cough Data

NuvoAir Cough App

NuvoAir, a leading digital health company for chronic disease management and decentralized clinical trials, is excited to release NuvoAir Cough, a mobile app that records coughs in the home setting. The assessment of coughing can be used in conjunction with other symptoms and data sets to help identify exacerbations and other disease activity in respiratory conditions including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Nighttime coughing can also lead to poor quality of sleep, which can substantially worsen quality of life for individuals if left unaddressed.

NuvoAir Cough has recently been tested in a clinical study with positive results that will be detailed in a forthcoming publication. Currently available on iOS only, the app uses the smartphone's microphone and an AI-powered algorithm to detect a single cough or burst of coughs. The recorded sound is sent to a secure server where the algorithm singles out coughs from other sounds and sends back results so that users and their clinical providers can understand if cough symptoms are increasing or decreasing. The app can be used during the night to detect cough while sleeping, or during the day when the user is relatively still and in a quiet area, such as when working on a computer or reading a book.

NuvoAir's CEO, Lorenzo Consoli shares, "Our vision is to offer a comprehensive care platform that empowers respiratory patients to better manage their condition and enables physicians to make data-driven care decisions, leading to better outcomes. Understanding cough patterns is a very important step in the right direction."

The NuvoAir Home platform includes the Air Next, a CE certified and FDA approved bluetooth spirometer, as well as devices to measure physical activity, pulse oximetry, weight change, cough patterns, and air quality. Through a network of care coordinators, NuvoAir helps patients manage their conditions and providers to assess meaningful changes in the health status of each patient, stratifying the most severe cases and enabling clinical teams to optimize the care of their patients. Published clinical evidence and peer-reviewed studies on the validity of the technology can be found on NuvoAir's website.

About NuvoAir

With offices in Boston, MA and Stockholm, Sweden, NuvoAir is a leading digital health company for chronic disease management and decentralized clinical trials. NuvoAir's aim is to enable timely and informed clinical decision making amongst respiratory health professionals and improve clinical outcomes for patients, while reducing healthcare costs. The NuvoAir Home platform is currently supporting thousands of patients worldwide with COPD, cystic fibrosis, severe asthma, interstitial pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), and muscular dystrophy. NuvoAir's decentralized clinical trial platform has been used in over 20 studies globally, in all phases of drug development, with over 2000 patients.


Meera Montan

Community Engagement Lead

+46 76 628 67 60 

Source: NuvoAir

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About NuvoAir AB

NuvoAir is a leading digital health company for chronic disease management and decentralized clinical trials.

NuvoAir AB
50 Milk St. , #16th Floor


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