Non-Toxic Materials for Electronics/ Electrics: Large Emerging Markets 2018-2028
BOSTON, Mass., July 2, 2018 ( - There is a flood of new electronic and electrical devices introducing toxicants very similar to those in tobacco smoke and diesel fumes. Some will sell up to billions yearly. There is no tracking of what is arriving, assessing toxicity and likely prevalence. Uniquely, the recent IDTechEx Research report, "Non-Toxic Materials for Electronics/ Electrics: Large Emerging Markets 2018-2028" now does that. The coverage in the report is wide-ranging. Scan current and future devices and the toxicants they will contain. Particularly it looks at use and abuse: there is also coverage of hazards of manufacture and disposal.
Author of the report, IDTechEx Chairman Dr. Peter Harrop writes: “Nickel cadmium batteries were banned, but poisonous cadmium is reintroduced into daily life as huge sales of cadmium telluride photovoltaics on buildings and millions of quantum dot television sets. Peak lead-acid battery occurs soon: the report says when. However, that poisonous lead is reappearing this year in the first commercialization of perovskite windows generating electricity, take off in sales of certain QLED TVs and in many new uses for lead zirconate titanate piezoelectrics. These are only a few examples for cadmium and lead, and there are many more materials of concern, organic and inorganic appraised and tracked.
Time to pay attention. Indeed, the report describes many little-known devices and research programs leading to alternatives and even many alternatives already on sale and gaining market share, sometimes aided by voluntary local bans on the poisonous product. It recommends greater priority for these alternatives and a redirection of research funding."
"Non-Toxic Materials for Electronics/ Electrics: Large Emerging Markets 2018-2028" has dense summaries, and infograms revealing the breadth of adoption and planned adoption of physically and chemically poisonous materials and particulates in electronics and electrical engineering. It even has a roadmap of the introduction of toxicants in electronics and electrics from 2018-2028.
The Executive Summary and Conclusions is comprehensive and sufficient in itself for those in a hurry. It identifies impending large sales and serious toxicity issues now and ahead from volume or virulence. Learn the lessons from the inadequate response to asbestos, tobacco, and diesel in the past and in detail how most of those toxicants and others are reappearing.
The report explains why the toxicity measurements it lists are suspect. 38 elements and compounds are tabled with toxicity, pathologies and devices where they are used or will be used and comments by suppliers.
The Introduction looks more closely at toxicity shortlists and multiple modes of poisonous action. Chapter 3 appraises materials being used in 37 families of emerging devices, 18 families of compounds. It tables where they are, and where they will be used in volume. The chemical elements of concern in overall electronics and electrics are compared. There are tables of inorganics, organics and where they will be used indicating levels of concern in the assessment of the authors. Allotropes of carbon are compared in likely popularity and issues. Lithium-ion batteries and quantum dots are singled out for closer analysis for reasons given.
Chapter 4 looks at the adoption of what are medically called surface irritants but are physically poisonous materials that can often penetrate the human body and trigger changes leading to cancer and more. Throughout the text there are alternatives given to the physical and chemical toxicants appearing in or promised in electronic and electrical devices, Chapter 5 goes into depth on twelve other research programs of particular promise for toxicant replacement in devices.
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Report Table of Contents
1.1. Purpose of this report
1.2. Timeline of planned introduction of toxicants: examples
1.3. Two toxicity actions
1.3.1. Examples of toxicants with physical or chemical action
1.3.2. Magnifying the toxicity risk: the case for caution with nanoparticles
1.4. Many things to take into consideration
1.5. Across the periodic table
1.6. Usefulness of toxicity measurements
1.6.1. Lethal dose
1.6.2. Toxicity rating
1.6.3. Learnings from the toxicity literature
1.7. Toxicants of concern in electronics/ electrics: use, abuse, disposal
1.7.1. Toxicants of concern: primary conclusion
1.7.2. No need for urgent recall of anything so far
1.7.3. Greater study, control and avoidance of toxicants is appropriate
1.7.4. Particularly watch chemically active toxicants in electronics and electrics
1.7.5. The case for banning acetonitrile and when: 7 IDTechEx action criteria
1.7.6. The case for banning lead acid batteries and when: 7 IDTechEx action criteria
1.8. Devices of concern and relatively non poisonous alternatives: examples
1.9. Toxicants of concern in electronics/ electrics and its abuse/ disposal: examples
1.10. Voluntary rejection of toxicant use
2.1. Definitions
2.1.1. Toxicity
2.1.2. Measurement: LD50 and Therapeutic Index
2.2. Scale of the problem
2.2.1. Potentially hazardous materials
2.2.2. Multiple dangers of nanoparticles and lack of understanding
2.3. Peak in overall car sales k globally - goodbye to many toxicants...
2.4. Medical benefits from small doses of toxicants
2.5. Lessons from diesel for electronic and electrical devices
3.1. Most important materials in emerging devices
3.2. Most versatile materials for future electronics and electrics
3.3. Emerging devices: examples of those examined
3.4. Fine metals and semiconductors that will be most widely used - survey result
3.5. Fine inorganic compounds most widely needed - survey results
3.5.1. Overview
3.5.2. Quantum dots are a concern
3.6. Inorganic compounds - detailed results for 37 families of device
3.6.1. The 20 categories of chemical and physical property exploited by the key materials in the devices are identified
3.7. Allotropes of carbon most widely needed - survey result
3.8. Organic compounds most widely needed - survey results
3.8.1. Organic compounds needed in future electronics and electrics
3.9. Less prevalent or less established organic formulations
3.10. Energy harvesting options: toxicants of interest
4.1. Definition and seriousness
4.2. Carbon allotropes
4.2.1. Overview
4.2.2. Carbon black
4.2.3. Carbon nanotubes
5.1. Cadmium free quantum dot displays
5.2. Displays and smart glass
5.3. Graphene synthesis
5.4. Hydrogen synthesis
5.5. Lead free photovoltaic windows: Clearview Power
5.6. Lead free piezoelectrics: University of Oslo
5.7. Lithium-ion battery alternatives
5.7.1. Hurricane proof mobile desalinator without battery or toxic PV: MIT USA in Puerto Rico
5.8. Self Tinting Windows with Metal Choices
5.8.1. Biodegradable non-toxic sensor
5.8.2. Pressure sensor using no carcinogenic organics
5.9. Sensors
5.10. Thermoelectrics
5.11. Transparent luminescent solar concentrators quantum dot: Los Alamos
5.12. Flow batteries
6.1. The need for batteries
6.2. Batteries are a huge success
6.2.1. Addressable battery market by end user segment $ billion
6.2.2. Battery volume demand in GWh by end use segment 2016-2026
6.3. Problems with batteries
6.4. Ongoing lithium-ion fires and explosions
6.4.1. Computers, cars, aircraft
6.4.2. Hoverboards
6.4.3. Next Li-ion failures and production delays due to cutting corners
6.5. Impact of maintenance (battery change)
6.6. How to improve, shrink and eliminate batteries
6.7. Drivers and facilitators of battery elimination
6.7.1. How it becomes more necessary and easier
6.7.2. Rapid improvement in alternatives and more of them
6.7.3. How to eliminate batteries in zero emission power production
6.7.4. Huge potential
6.7.5. Battery Eliminator Circuits: drones, eliminating PbA EV battery
6.8. Roadmap to elimination of energy storage and sales resulting
6.9. Best practice of energy storage elimination today
6.9.1. University of Washington USA microwatt phone
6.9.2. Triboelectric toys USA
6.9.3. CO sensor powered by ambient radio
6.9.4. EnOcean Germany microwatt to 3W
6.9.5. Battery elimination today at kW
6.9.6. IFEVS Italy electric restaurant van
6.9.7. Cargo Trike UK
6.9.8. Nuna8 Solar racer Netherlands
6.9.9. Stella Lux Netherlands energy positive car
6.9.10. Solar Ship Canada inflatable wing Canada 10kW
6.9.11. MARS UK autonomous boat
6.10. Dynamic charging from road Korea
6.11. Battery elimination from currently developed land-based technologies
6.12. Robot ships, off-grid power, diesel genset replacement: high power off-grid without batteries
6.13. Grid, microgrid, genset without batteries one day
6.13.1. Hurricane proof mobile desalinator without battery or toxic PV: MIT USA in Puerto Rico
Media Contact:
Charlotte Martin
Marketing and Research Co-ordinator
+44(0)1223 812300
Source: IDTechEx