Nimesulide Tablet Indications and Its Uses

Nimesulide is a popular NSAID prescribed for painful inflammatory conditions, back pain, dysmenorrhea associated with musculoskeletal system, Thrombophlebitis, dental pain and in ENT inflammation.

Nimesulide is a popular NSAID prescribed for painful inflammatory conditions, back pain, dysmenorrhea associated with musculoskeletal system, Thrombophlebitis, dental pain and in ENT inflammation. 

Nimesulide is a prescription drug with important analgesic properties. Therefore it is always recommended to use this medicine under a licensed physician supervision and as per approved indications.

Nimesulide is available in various forms including tablets, suppositories, water-soluble powders, and topical gels. It is an analgesic and antipyretic in action.

Nimesulide Drug uses: 

  • Nimesulide has less gastrointestinal adverse effects than other NSAIDs.
  • It has superior benefit-risk ratio to other drugs with a comparable safety and tolerability to placebo.
  • Rapid onset of action within 15 minutes
  • Rapidly relieves pain in arthritis
  • Its multifactorial mode of action gives it a unique and broad action on inflammatory.
  • Nimesulide is also safe in sensitive asthmatic patients.
  • It is reported to be beneficial in relieving the symptoms of rhinitis, rhinopharyngitis tubaritis and seceretory otitis media with concomitant antibiotic treatment.
  • Nimesulide has potent analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activities.