New Writing Lays 'Woes' of United States at the Feet of Catholic Bishops

On behalf of the peasants in the pew...
Bishops, Blind to Your Wrong

An historic writing from a Friend of Medjugorje, founder of the Alabama-based mission, Caritas of Birmingham, lays the current woes of the United States at the feet of the United States Catholic Bishops.

In a statement from the Caritas Community, which operates the mission of Caritas of Birmingham, it was stated that, "A Friend of Medjugorje's castigation of the U.S. Bishops, laying the blame on them for the identity crisis of the U.S. and not on politicians, is novel - you won't read that anywhere. From the letters being received so far, it is clear that many of the faithful are finding their voice through a Friend of Medjugorje's words, and finally feel like someone can express in words, what they feel in the pew."

A Friend of Medjugorje writes, in his piece titled, "Blind to Your Wrong":

"You of the USCCB have dumped our beautiful nation in the trash heap. We are not going to sit anymore in the pew, lethargically, while the world burns down, nation by nation."

These words were penned on the heels of a very contested U.S. Presidential election, in which the pro-abortion candidate, Joe Biden, publicly claimed to be a practicing Catholic. A Friend of Medjugorje writes that the silence of the Catholic bishops, "is an endorsement. Your silence is not only an embarrassment, it is shameful."

A reader named Kris from Ohio wrote, "I hope that this writing is sent to ALL the Bishops in the USA. They have failed us miserably. May God have mercy on them. I will print this out and send to my Bishop & it will probably be read by a subordinate and then thrown away. I might believe them when they divest of all their trappings…  No more platitudes, DO SOMETHING CONCRETE!"

A Friend of Medjugorje re-introduced a term he first phrased in 2015, "peasants in the pews," which refers to how the faithful are perceived by some of the hierarchy in the Church.

A Friend of Medjugorje founded and heads the mission of Caritas of Birmingham, a $25 million dollar operation, which is the largest Medjugorje center in the world, located about 20mi. southeast of Birmingham, Alabama. His writings, as well as his weekly broadcast are followed by millions across the world and can be found on the official Medjugorje website, The writing, "Blind to Your Wrong" can be read online here.

Questions can be directed to:
Caritas of Birmingham

Source: Caritas of Birmingham

About Caritas of Birmingham

Caritas of Birmingham is the largest Medjugorje center in the world promoting the events of the Medjugorje phenomenon. Showing how what is taking place in the spiritual realm is manifesting in the physical realm.

Caritas of Birmingham
100 Our Lady Queen of Peace Dr
Sterrett, AL

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