New Tool Wants to Help Frequent Flyers Earn More Miles

A browser plugin to help travelers find the best mileage deals when searching for flights online.
See miles on every flight

​According to 30K.COM, most of the 300 million frequent flyers in the world don't know how to optimize their miles. Not because they don't want to, but rather because they can't: finding the best 'value for money' deals - the ones that might cost a little bit more but could earn disproportionately more miles - is an extremely difficult and time-consuming task.

With this in mind, 30K has recently released a plugin for Google Chrome that automatically computes the number of frequent flyer miles (as well as displaying other relevant benefits such as which fares can be upgraded with miles or how far the traveler is from his next status level) a traveler can earn on any flight when running a search on Expedia, Orbitz and other online travel agency sites. The user can also connect any of his affiliations to get a fully-personalized experience while making keeping track of multiple accounts much easier. The plugin offers a 30-day free trial, after which the user will need to purchase an annual license for $20. For a complete overview of the features, a demo video is available at The tool can be downloaded from

Considered by Bloomberg "[One of the] Ten Travel Innovations That Make Globe-Hopping Better Than Ever" at

Rui Bom, Co-founder

Considered by Bloomberg "[One of the] Ten Travel Innovations That Make Globe-Hopping Better Than Ever" at

Source: 30K.COM

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30K.COM builds technology that helps travelers reap more value from flying, while helping retailers and airlines improve their products and target travelers with more personalized offers. More information at
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