New Review Assistant 3.0 With TFS Import, Multiple Authors and Binary Files Support
Prague, Czech Republic, November 19, 2015 ( - Devart announced the new release of the tool for code review - Review Assistant 3.0. The new version delivers significant new features including import of TFS projects and users, multiple authors per review, initial reviews, binary files support, and much more.
Import Projects and Users from TFS. Now, Review Assistant allows importing TFS projects together with users. Now, setting up Review Assistant to work with projects in TFS is a matter of minutes.
- A user can choose the projects to import
- Both Visual Studio Online and Team Foundation Server are supported
- Selectively import users apart from projects
Multiple authors per review. Oftentimes, it is necessary to review a number of commits of multiple different authors. The new version delivers adding several authors in one review.
- When revisions are added to a review, all related authors are added automatically
- The list of authors can be edited manually
- Comments in a review are automatically addressed to the author of a file revision
- A user responsible for defect fixing can be changed manually
Initial review for a project. The initial review mode alllows user to review the code of a project in its current state, whereas the regular review provides only the inspection of incremental changes to the code. This feature will be particularly useful to those who are starting to review the code in a project.
- Files, not revisions, are added to a review. The latest revision of the file is retrieved from the repository
- Any number of files can be added in a review from the repository
- Based on comments, the latest revisions of files can be added to a review and several iterations can be implemented
Flexible editing of revisions in a review. Now the entire range of revisions added to a review is available for editing. Previously, this could only be done for the last iteration.
Better work with the file list in a review
- It is now possible to hide read files. This is especially useful when a large list of files is reviewed
- Comparing revisions for renamed files
- Additional options in the popup menu of files
- the Open Containing Folder command allows to quickly display a file in Windows Explorer
- the Copy Full Path command allows to copy to the clipboard the full path to a file
- Working with binary files
Other improvements:
- Defects markers appear red in Code Editor
- E-mail notifications are sent to all participants of a review, regardless of their role
- For a strict review workflow, participants of the review are restricted in rights to close and delete other users' comments
- An integrated administrator account is not considered a licensed user if it is not involved in projects
- Branch names are now displayed in the Add Revisions dialog box for Git. Also, a splitter was added to the dialog box
- Creating accounts without a password is no longer allowed
Review Assistant is available for a 30-day trial for unlimited users. To learn more about new version, please visit
About Devart
Devart is a vendor of database connectivity solutions for Microsoft .NET and Embarcadero Delphi development platforms as well as database development and management software. Company's solutions support such databases as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, InterBase, Firebird, DB2, SQLite, etc.
Along with database-oriented software, Devart offers productivity tools for Visual Studio and Skyvia, the cloud service for data integration, management and backup.