New Crib Mattress for Babies May Save Lives and Help Prevent SIDS

Heaven Sent Breathable Crib Mattress by Secure Beginnings is the first-ever air permeable crib mattress to have a constant passive flow of air above and below the mattress surface, which may help prevent SIDS and save babies' lives.

Maternity and Baby Shopping Mart, a retailer of high-quality products for mom and baby, has recently launched a revolutionary air-permeable crib mattress for babies, the Heaven Sent Breathable Crib Mattress by Secure Beginnings, which may save babies' lives and help prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) - the leading cause of death in infants under 12 months old.

The Heaven Sent Breathable Crib Mattress by Secure Beginnings is unlike any other crib mattress on the market today. It features an "open weave" knitted spacer fabric and passive airflow design, which offers a constant flow of air above and below the sleep surface, giving babies a safer and better way to sleep.

When an infant sleeps on this revolutionary breathable crib mattress, he or she lays on a breathable fabric that is suspended over a bed of air, which reduces the buildup of harmful levels of carbon dioxide inhaled while a baby sleeps. The "re-breathing" of carbon dioxide has been linked to possibly causing SIDS and other respiratory complications in babies.

In contrast to traditional and even organic crib mattresses that use foam and fillers, which can trap excessive heat near baby, the Heaven Sent Breathable Crib Mattress by Secure Beginnings reduces the baby's risk of overheating - a known risk factor for SIDS - with its passive airflow design, which keeps baby's core body temperature stable. As a result, your baby will have better, more comfortable, uninterrupted sleep.

"The saddest part of my practice was learning that a baby that I've delivered has passed away due to SIDS. That's why I'm optimistic that we may be able to save babies' lives and possibly prevent SIDS with this revolutionary breathable crib mattress," says Dr. James Brann, MD, retired OB/GYN and owner of Maternity and Baby Shopping Mart. "If we can save just one baby, your baby, it's worth the investment."

The Heaven Sent Breathable Crib Mattress is easily removed and laundered. Unlike traditional crib mattresses for babies, this breathable crib mattress is machine washable to reduce the buildup of mold and microorganisms, which can be stressful to a baby's delicate respiratory system.

This one-of-a-kind breathable crib mattress is proudly made and manufactured in the U.S.A. It is PVC-free and contains no harmful toxins and no fire retardant chemicals - which are common to traditional crib mattresses and have been linked to causing learning disabilities and cancer in children. The Heaven Sent Breathable Crib Mattress is made with medical grade materials that are safe for your baby.

"Give your baby a better way to sleep and have peace of mind. This is a truly remarkable crib mattress that fits a standard sized crib and can hold up to 60 pounds. That's the weight of an eight year old," added Dr. Brann. "The Heaven Sent Breathable Crib Mattress is a long term investment in your child's health."

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