New Book on Pre-Cancerous Skin Condition Actinic Keratosis Released This Week

Actinic Keratosis. Replace the Fear and Uncertainty with Knowledge and Positive Action by Anthony Newton released by Adhurst Publishing

Actinic Keratosis affects millions of people worldwide; over 58 million Americans were diagnosed with this pre-cancerous affliction last year alone and numbers are rising. A new book by Anthony Newton explains Actinic Keratosis and helps those who have it prevent further attacks and significantly lower their skin cancer risk.

Written in easy to understand language Mr Newton, a medical writer, answers questions such as what is actinic keratosis (which is also known as solar keratosis or senile keratosis), as well as discussing all available actinic keratosis treatments and what action can be taken to protect sufferers. The book covers causes, risk factors, how to recognize actinic keratois, prognosis, and contains a special section focussing on ways to boost the immune system and other methods of prevention. Included is ground breaking research which will help those with the condition prevent their actinic keratosis developing into skin cancer.

Author Anthony Newton, who formerly studied at Cambridge University says, "I was diagnosed myself with an actinic keratosis in 2010. Even though I had a good doctor I was left with many unanswered questions and I was staggered to discover that little information on the subject exists and the only books I could find on the subject were huge medical tomes unclear even to someone with several degrees. I have spent years researching the subject particularly looking into any actinic keratosis natural treatments, and hope that what I've learnt will help others as much as it's helped me."

Managing Director of publisher Adhurst Publishing Julia Thistleton-Smith commented, "We are delighted to announce the launch of Anthony's book. Our vision is to provide solutions to issues faced by people today and it was clear to us that this book does exactly that. The number of people suffering from Actinic Keratosis is escalating every year and having one or more does make someone more likely to develop skin cancer. Anything that can be done to help prevent this should be embraced and we are very pleased to be able to bring this valuable information to the attention of the public."

Actinic Keratosis. Replace the Fear and Uncertainty with Knowledge and Positive Action by Anthony Newton is available from bookshops worldwide and via Amazon.

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