New Biomedical Treatment for Autism Website Shares Video Interviews

Biomedical Treatment for Autism is a new website that shares video interviews of parents, researchers and medical professionals talking about alternative medical interventions that reverse the symptoms of Autism.

Tens of thousands of parents who have used biomedical treatment for Autism have had great success in partially, or even fully, reversing the symptoms of Autism in their child. More and more medical doctors are learning about the DAN! Protocol (Defeat Autism Now! Protocol) which seeks to identify the exact biological problems that an Autistic child is suffering from, and then treat those problems accordingly. When specific underlying problems such as gut/intestinal issues or heavy metal toxicity issues are properly identified and then treated, the symptoms of Autism will begin to reverse in the child. Keeping in mind that every child is different, children who have received biomedical treatment have experienced partial or even complete reversal of their Autism symptoms.

Larry Cook, a natural health advocate and author of "The Beginner's Guide to Natural Living," launched Biomedical Treatment for Autism ( as a place to showcase his video interviews with parents, researchers and doctors. Says Mr. Cook, "My website shares information and videos about the biomedical treatment of Autism, including detoxification, the gluten free casein free diet, chelation therapy, Methyl B12 injections, Glutathione supplementation, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, sensory integration, mercury toxicity, fixing digestion issues, vaccines and much more. If you've ever wondered whether or not biomedical treatment actually works, wonder no more. Just watch what parents, researchers and doctors have witnessed and therefore have to say about how biomedical treatment has helped to reverse the symptoms of Autism in the children who have been treated!"

The website also offers users an opportunity to subscribe so that they can be notified through email every time a new video is posted. More videos are due to be posted very soon as Mr. Cook continues to produce video interviews with parents, researchers and doctors. To learn more, visit Biomedical Treatment for Autism at http:/ - because Autism Is Reversible.

About Biomedical Treatment for Autism

Biomedical Treatment for Autism
12040 Sylvester Street
Los Angeles, CA
