Networking With the Cards You Are Dealt
In a room full of givers, everybody gains. When finding the right network, getting a seat at the table is only the beginning. Networking is a balance between strategy and commitment. Knowing what cards you were dealt will help you make them work for you. Networking is not a sales style, it is a lifestyle.
Agoura Hills, CA, March 15, 2016 ( - New in Paperback:
“Networking with the Cards You Are Dealt”
"In 'Networking with the Card You Are Dealt,' author Jeff Kleid deals it straight. Not every contact is right for you to pursue. Jeff shows you how to find and nurture the best connections. In essence, he tells you when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em.'
Davis Blaine, Founder of Provisors, The Mentor Group
By Jeff Kleid
Product Details
Paperback: 140 pages, business, self help
Title: Networking with the Cards you are Dealt
Publisher: 20/twenty Publishing; Edition 1 edition (January 31, 2016)
Author: Jeff Kleid
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1523775378
ISBN-13: 978-1523775378
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.3 x 9 inches
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars See all reviews
Print Edition: $18.95 Format: paperback
Deck of Cards : sold separately ASIN B01C3G0HNI
Intentional connector, successful entrepreneur and author Jeff Kleid debut’s his newly released book, “Networking with the Cards You Are Dealt,” as part of 20/twenty Publishing’s inspirational and self-empowerment book collection.
Kleid, a regular contributor to and avid Networking connector, brings more than 20 years’ experience of growing and successfully selling two companies to educate and guide others through the Networking process.
Whether you’re looking for a job, growing a career, building a business or just searching for the right people to interact with, finding the right Network can be a daunting task. “Networking with the Cards You Are Dealt” embraces the struggles head-on!
Specifically, Kleid shares how he learned to focus on maximizing his strengths while minimizing his weaknesses. By doing so, he was able to hone in on how to work with the Cards he was dealt. Through trial and error, Kleid developed the right strategies to grow his business through the elusive “Networking” mechanism.
The book’s self-guided tour through Kleid’s relationships is designed to help readers create and establish life-long relationships with other business professionals. Readers will also learn how to work side-by-side with others while providing end users with the products and services they need in their daily lives.
In addition to “Networking with the Cards You Are Dealt,” 20/twenty and Jeff Kleid have launched a set of paying cards intended to enhance the reader’s experience. Together with the Book, and the interactive series of games to help readers understand who they are, the goal of ultimately understanding the cards you are dealt with are finally understood.
Reviews of Jeff Kleid’s “Networking with the Cards You Are Dealt”
“The best defense against game playing in the world is to play the game well. Jeff Kleid’s book is the best way to play the “networking game” well and never leave an event empty handed. Are you game?”
‒ Mark Goulston, best-selling author of “Just Listen: Discover the Secret to Getting Through to Absolutely Anyone,” and “Talking to Crazy”
“In ‘Networking with the Card You Are Dealt,’ author Jeff Kleid deals it straight. Not every contact is right for you to pursue. Jeff shows you how to find and nurture the best connections. In essence, he tells you when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em.’
‒ Davis Blaine, Founder of Provisors, The Mentor Group, Mentor Securities, LLC, and established author.
Jeff Kleid is available for interviews and appearances. For booking presentations, media appearances, interviews, and/or book signings, please contact
Engage: “Empowerment poker playing cards” are available on Amazon
Read: “Networking with the Cards You Are Dealt” book is available on Amazon.
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