NetSuite Level 3 Credit Card Processing

Streamline payments and reduce the interchange cost of accepting commercial cards by up to 43%

Revolution Payments announces a Level III credit card processing solution that operates effectively within NetSuite.

Integrating credit card processing activities into an accounting system saves time, improves work-flow, streamlines payments, improves visibility and reduces double entry.

Key features of the Revolution Payment’s NetSuite credit card processing integration:

  • Automatically Captures Level III Detail to get the lowest costs on commercial and purchase cards
  • Marks invoices as “PAID” when transaction is approved
  • Stores customer profiles and card information off-site, on a PCI compliant server
  • Compatible with all the latest NetSuite versions
  • Automatically Posts payments  in Accounts Receivable (A/R) and the General Ledger (G/L)
  • Compatible with all the latest desktop versions of NetSuite

Run transactions at any (or all) of these stages:

  • Record Customer Deposits (from the Customers Menu)
  • Issue Customer Refunds (from the Customers Menu)
  • Issue Credit Memos (from the Customers Menu)
  • Accept Customer Payments (from the Customers Menu)
  • Enter Cash Sales (from the Transactions Menu)
  • Refund Cash Sales (from the Customers Menu)
  • Enter Sales Orders (from the Transactions Menu)

The Level III Payment Solution

Level III Processing with NetSuite can reduce the “interchange” cost of accepting commercial cards, i.e., commercial, purchase, fleet, government and business cards, by 30%-40%.

The Revolution Payments NetSuite module automatically detects whether a level II/III eligible transaction is accepted. And when it is, it automatically updates and attaches level III detail, lowering business "interchange" costs before the transaction ever reaches a processor.

Merchants interested in learning more about Revolution Payments should contact Sean Jones at

Source: Revolution Payments