Natural Math Crowdfunding Adventurous New Book: Socks are Like Pants, Cats are Like Dogs

Socks are Like Pants, Cats are Like Dogs is a captivating collection of activities, games, and techniques for teaching complex mathematics to even small children.

Two weeks into its new crowdfunding campaign, Natural Math has achieved its funding goal for the new book, Socks are Like Pants, Cats are Like Dogs ( and is now moving toward stretch goals. The book will help even small children learn complex mathematics, in this case algebra.

The system works by helping parents and teachers show children the beautiful, playful, and intuitive aspects of algebra. By approaching mathematics as an adventure, the book invites children and their adult guides to play, solve, talk, and create math on their own terms.

Natural Math founder Dr. Maria Droujkova comments on the Natural Math approach:

“What do parents and teachers tell me when I say that Natural Math invites five-year-olds to do algebra and calculus? First they’re surprised, of course, but beyond that they are relieved, curious, and happy. I’ve had many parents say, ‘Whew! Maybe I can finally, finally understand that stuff myself. Tell me how!’”

The authors of the book, Malke Rosenfeld and Gordon Hamilton, are uniquely suited to achieving these goals. Malke Rosenfeld's singular perspective on mathematics is an interdisciplinary approach that focuses on the ways percussive dance and mathematics intersect. As a performing artist, math explorer, and educator (, her work such as the successful program Math In Your Feet ( illustrates these mathematical connections in ways that make sense to a broad range of students. Gordon Hamilton is the creative mind behind ( and his puzzles have been featured in the New York Times ( Hamilton, who has a PhD in mathematical biology and is a working mathematician, brings out the beauty and joy of mathematics for learners of all ages.

The campaign allows all supporters to receive a mention in the book, and supporters who pledge $8 or more receive their own copy of the book. Other rewards are available for those who contribute higher amounts. Perhaps most significant, a successful campaign will allow people all over the world to use and remix the activities in new and interesting ways under the open Creative Commons ( licences.

Socks are Like Pants, Cats are Like Dogs is filled with a diverse collection of math games, puzzles, and activities exploring the mathematics of choosing, identifying and sorting. Teachers and parents have tested all activities in real classrooms and living rooms. The activities are easy to start and require little preparation.

“That’s what our books are all about. Malke and Gordon find easy pathways into the heart of algebra, where everybody can find a treasure: fundamental, powerful intuitions. These intuitions allow everyone to feel a happy familiarity with mathematics, and to make math their own,” remarks Dr. Droujkova. “Yes, modern algebra is about those long formulas that help us land on Mars or build tiny devices for texting friends. But modern algebra is also about the freedom, ease, and delight of a little child who discovers the variables that make cats be like dogs, solves for unknowns while playing hide-n-seek, and sorts buttons and beads into categories.”

About Natural Math

Natural Math is a company and a community of parents, teachers, and students who want to make mathematics their own, and make their own mathematics.

Natural Math
309 Silvercliff Trail
Cary, North Carolina