Nashville Exhibition Exposes Dangers of Psychiatric Treatments

The public must be informed of the effects of mental health drugs, say experts speaking at the opening of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights traveling exhibition.
Bishop Marcus Campbell, pastor of Mount Carmel Baptist Church, urged guests to tour the exhibit.

An exhibition exposing the hidden agendas and dangers of the psychiatric industry opened in North Nashville this week. Called Psychiatry: An Industry of Death, the exhibition, organized by the psychiatric watchdog Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), raises public awareness and exposes the lack of transparency in the field of mental health, where so often only selective data is made available to patients.

At the opening of the exhibition, the theme was “breaking the chains of oppression” and speakers addressed the need for informed consent in relation to mental treatment. Display panels in the exhibition pointed to information that many in the psychiatric industry choose to ignore, such as the aggression, violence and suicidal thoughts that so often result from prescribed drugs such as antidepressants.

The first speaker, Dr. David Morris, a chiropractor and owner of Magnolia Medical Center, spoke to the extensive drugging and abuse of children in the psychiatric industry and encouraged all attendees to consult a licensed medical professional any time they receive a “diagnosis” from a psychiatrist.

Keynote speaker Bishop Marcus Campbell, the pastor of Mount Carmel Baptist Church, admonished everyone to look for themselves and urged all attendees to tour the exhibit. “We all perish for lack of knowledge,” he said.

Informed consent is a crucial issue, especially when it comes to children and adolescents. Part of the exhibition focused on children’s deaths that could have been avoided if parents had been fully informed about the effects of the psychiatric drugs their children were administered. A majority of so-called “schoolyard shootings” resulting in hundreds of fatalities were also shown to be linked to these mind-altering substances.

CCHR is an international psychiatric watchdog group co-founded in 1969 by members of the Church of Scientology and the late professor of psychiatry, Dr. Thomas Szasz.

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