- Save Hundreds Of Dollars With Cash Back, Coupons, Deals and Discount Shopping

Looking for the best deals and coupons? Then, you are at the right place. Read on to know more about new offers even in the times of recession...

Delaware, USA, November 30th, 2009 - Even at the best of times, consumers are always interested in getting a good deal; and when you factor in the effects of the current worldwide economic slump, what is normally a point of pride can become a necessity. Whether or not you happen to have been particularly deeply affected by the sluggish economy, it's a good thing to get the best possible price on the products and services you need.

The website was established to provide the public with a one-stop source for savings on a wide variety of different needs; coupons and deals on everything from books to food and beverages to pet supplies, office supplies and much more can be found on the site. Not only are coupons and special online-only sales from popular retailers including Borders, Walmart and CompUSA available on My Deals and Coupons, but the site also features cash back offers from a large variety of online shops.

"It's hardly a secret that people are doing more and more of their shopping online as the web continues to become available to consumers worldwide; and especially right now with economies the world over on shaky ground and people uncertain about the outlook for the near term, everyone's looking for a better deal. That's why My Deals and Coupons was started - there have been online coupons for some time now, but with this site, we're offering consumers a single place where they can find coupons, special deals from online retailers and even cash back from popular merchants," said spokesman Ramadevi.

Other than the opportunities for savings to be found on the site, My Deals and Coupons is providing something which other coupon sites do not offer: a referral program which gives users who refer friends cash back on the purchases made by their referrals using the deals published on the site. This is one feature which is already drawing a lot of attention from consumers; this is the type of reward which anyone, not only the coupon clippers and penny pinchers among us can appreciate. Of course, tough times have a way of making savvier shoppers of us all; and sites like My Deals and Coupons which reward thrifty shoppers are certain to gain a lot of fans even as things begin to turn around.

For more information about My Deals and Coupons, please visit:

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