Mirena IUD Lawsuits Move Forward as Federal Court Readies to Convene...

Southern Med Law is representing women in Mirena IUD lawsuits who allegedly suffered serious complications related to the birth control device.

The status of more than 1,000 Mirena IUD lawsuits will be discussed during a Case Management Conference scheduled to be held in the U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York on April 21st. According to court documents, the jurisdiction is currently the site of a multidistrict litigation established for Mirena lawsuits filed on behalf of women who allegedly suffered uterine perforations, ectopic pregnancies and other serious complications related to the birth control device. (In re: Mirena IUD Products Liability Litigation, MDL No. 2434)

"Our Firm represents women who have allegedly been harmed by Mirena, and we are looking forward to this conference, as the Court will likely provide updates on the status of discovery and other matters affecting these cases," says Southern Med Law.

According to court documents, Mirena (levonorgestrel intrauterine system) is a progestin-only IUD that releases low doses of the hormone directly into the uterus, where it can remain for up to five years. All of the Mirena IUD lawsuits currently pending in the Southern District of New York were filed on behalf of women who allegedly experienced uterine perforations, scarring and adhesions, ectopic pregnancies, organ damage, infertility and other complications which occurred after the device became dislocated from its proper position in a woman's uterus and migrated elsewhere.

Court filings show that plaintiffs in these Mirena lawsuits allege that Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals failed to warn that spontaneous migration of the IUD could occur. They also claim that the company has a history of downplaying the device's serious side effects and exaggerating its benefits. Among other things, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) issued Bayer a warning letter in 2009 stated that the company had used misleading promotional materials in one of its Mirena marketing campaigns. Among other things, the FDA further stated the materials for understating the risks associated with Mirena and overstating its advantages, including claims that using the IUD would make a woman "look and feel great."
PharmaceuticalCompanies/UCM197229.pdf, December 30, 2009]

As both an attorney and practicing gynecologist, Southern Med Law's Dr. François Blaudeau possesses a unique understanding of the medical and legal questions relating to Mirena IUD lawsuits. If you or a loved one suffered serious complications allegedly associated with a Mirena IUD, please contact the Firm as soon as possible to learn more about your legal rights. You can arrange for a free, no obligation Mirena lawsuit review by calling Southern Med Law today, at 205-547-5525.

About Southern Med Law
Southern Med Law is a patient and consumer advocacy organization providing legal representation to the victims of negligent personal injuries, medical malpractice, dangerous drugs, faulty medical devices and defective products. Led by Dr. François Blaudeau, an attorney and a practicing obstetrician/ gynecologist, the legal staff at Southern Med Law possesses a deep understanding of the complex medical and legal questions at issue in all manner of product liability and personal injury claims. They're not afraid to take on the nation's largest corporations in their pursuit of justice, and are committed to ensuring that all victims have access to the type of aggressive legal advocacy that assures success.

Southern Med Law
The Southern Institute for Medical and Legal Affairs
3530 Independence Drive
Birmingham, AL 35209
(205) 547 5525
(205) 547 5526

Source URL: http://prweb.com/releases/2015/04/prweb12621799.htm