MindBeauty Shares How to Use Essential Oils to Spice Up Wearing a Mask

MindBeauty shares insightful information on how essential oils can make wearing a mask a more calming experience.
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MindBeauty, the creator of the AM99TM line of protective and reusable face masks, is sharing an innovative way to enhance the mask-wearing experience with the use of essential oils. 

Finding healthy ways to cope with the stress and anxiety associated with the COVID-19 pandemic is important, and pairing essential oils with a protective face mask is a step in the right direction to combat these feelings of uneasiness. 

In fact, aromatherapy has been shown to have many potential benefits, such as having stress-relieving and mood-lifting qualities

All it takes to naturally refresh a face mask is a few drops of essential oils to make the experience more pleasant and less stressful. 

"There's a lot of stress and uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic," said Joei Lau, Founder of Mind Beauty. "As face masks continue to be a necessity in stopping the spread of this virus, we wanted to find a healthy way to make the face mask-wearing experience less stressful through the use of calming essential oils." 

The most important step when adding essential oils to a face mask is to dilute the substance. One percent or less dilution is recommended for facial applications. 

Here's how to add essential oils to a face mask: 

  • In a bowl, mix one to two drops of the essential oil of your choice (long-lasting scents such as lavender, rose, and peppermint are said to provide a sense of calm and a mood boost) with a teaspoon of base oil (coconut oil or olive oil work well). 
  • Take a Q-tip and spread a thin layer of the diluted mixture on the outside seam of the mask. MindBeauty recommends adding the diluted essential oil solution to the outside seam of the nose bridge. 

Thanks to the calming effects of essential oils, paired with the AM99 mask and its proven antibacterial properties that deactivate harmful contaminants on contact, wearers can breathe a sigh of relief knowing their masks have a 95 percent viral de-activation efficiency within two hours, which decreases the chance of viral transmission. 

Find the perfect mask for you in terms of protection, comfort, sanitary experience, and fashion with MindBeauty's AM99™ mask.

About AM99 

MindBeauty created the AM99™ line of protective face masks as a response to the heightened need for simple and effective solutions to contain, protect against, and minimize the effects of the global outbreak. The result is a reusable face mask that is an effective, safe, and fashionable option that's early-to-market for users and outperforms other masks in the market landscape. Learn more at am99tech.com. 


Tiffany Kayar

Source: Mind Beauty

About Mind Beauty

About AM99

MindBeauty created the AM99™ line of protective face masks as a response to the heightened need for simple and effective solutions to contain, protect against, and minimize the effects of the global outbreak. The result is a reusable face mask that is an effective, safe, and fashionable option that's early-to-market for users and outperforms other masks in the market landscape. Learn more at am99tech.com.

Tiffany Kayar

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