Midwests most active live music series to re-launch.

Wisconsin hip hop label eNicaR Records announced that they will be relaunching what's been known as the "Behind The Music Tour". The tour has been running steady since June of 2009 and has appeared in over 25 cities throughout Wisconsin and Illinois

On Friday, August 27th 2010 Wisconsin hip hop label eNicaR Records announced that they will be relaunching what's been known as the "Behind The Music Tour". The tour has been running steady since June of 2009 and has appeared in over 25 cities throughout Wisconsin and Illinois. The main objective of the tour was to promote the album of recording artist Mr. Frizo (Jon Friso). Before 12 months, the tour turned to the most active live music series in the midwest, bringing hope to the hip hop scene there. I had a chance to sit down with Frizo, (who is also the founder of the Behind The Music Tour) and ask him some questions about the relaunch.

From what I gathered, the new name for the tour will be "The Goood Tour". Frizo emphasized on the three o's. He explained that when he and eNicaR Records began this local tour, it was more or less to promote his (at the time) recent album release (Behind The Music). Over a year later that same tour turned into the #1 go to for all aspiring artists in his area that wanted to perform live in front of an audience. So in a nutshell, aside from promoting Frizo's album, the label was able to showcase many talents all in one swoop, which created a form of "unity", almost as you'd see amongst a rock & roll type network. Being that the tour has been ongoing from the start, it gives all artists a chance for involvement and exposure.

The idea with "The Goood Tour" is to amplify the movement that's already been created. Being that the new name has nothing to do with any albums that the label has released, The Goood Tour can be used and marketed more effectively as a hub to continue to unify hip hop artists and make the midwest music scene much stronger.

"We're going over different strategies all around the board. From the name of the tour, all the way down to what goes on at each specific event. We want this to be much bigger than just local, and I believe we can achieve that. So far, we've performed in front of thousands of people that love what we're doing, the goal now is to multiply that by any number except 1". Said Frizo. He adds, "Most people only know what they're given. In other words, when they turn on the radio they are under the assumption that that's what they have to choose from to listen to. What they don't know is that the music scene in general, everywhere, is much more interesting than that."

eNicaR Records is hoping for the best, and with the accomplishments they've made so far, I'd have no reason to believe that they won't be sucessful with what they do. Fellow independent artist, B-Dubb (Michael Jefferson) is said to be The Goood Tours official opening act, and DJ Sham (James McGowan) will still be playing the role of official DJ. Frizo explains that this is just the start of something big for the regions hip hop scene. "Our main goal here is to get quality live music acts to music lovers all over the midwest. People need to know that artists around here really have somethig to offer musically".

You can check out Frizo at www.mrfrizo.com and/or eNicaR Records on Myspace at myspace.com/enicarrecords

-Mark Maying

About eNicaR Records

eNicaR Records
1202 Grove Ave.
Racine, WI
