Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery [MEOR] Spells MORE Oil
Online, June 8, 2013 (Newswire.com) - Primary and secondary oil recovery methods leave 50 to 60 percent of the original oil in place [OOIP] stranded in the reservoir. Enter an array of tertiary recovery methods collectively called enhanced oil recovery or EOR. Among the various EOR methods available to the oil industry today, microbial EOR is gaining renewed attention and traction in the market place due to its ability to economically produce significant volumes of stranded oil.
What Exactly is MEOR?
In a broad sense, MEOR uses microorganisms to produce oil that left stranded in the reservoir after primary and secondary methods are exhausted. Whether the microorganisms are native to a reservoir (indigenous) or injected non-native transplants, the mechanisms responsible for increased oil production are similar. When the proper locally sourced nutrient regimen is injected into a well bore or reservoir, the MEOR microbes reproduce and create biomass, biochemicals and gasses that help displace the stranded oil. MEOR can be applied to single wells individually (cyclic injection) or entire oil fields (enhanced waterflooding). From an engineering standpoint MEOR can be characterized as an integrated oil recovery system regulated by reservoir characteristics, microbes, nutrients and injection protocols.
MEOR Spells 45.1% More Oil at Plawowice
RAM Biochemicals, in cooperation with the Polish Oil and Gas Institute and the Polish Oil and Gas Company, began field work at Poland's Plawowice oilfield on September 25, 2011. In 20 months a 1-injection well, 2-producer well system has produced 936 metric tons (6,920 barrels) of additional oil as measured against 9 months of pre-treatment data. This constitutes a 45.1% increase from the base line average with no production problems reported. The project has been extended 12 months and additional injector / producer systems at Plawowice are being evaluated for inclusion in the project. This microbial enhanced waterflood project was designed, developed and is being implemented using RAM's systematic approach: a logical step-by-step methodology marked by critical go / no-go decision points to minimize risk. By validating a project's technical and economic viability at critical junctures, oil producers and stakeholders can make informed decisions before proceeding to the next step.
Benefits of RAM's Systematic Approach to MEOR
*Limited capital investment *Uses existing infrastructure *Cost effective at smaller scale *Minimized risk
*Easy to implement *Sustainable production increases *Extended field life *Uses non-GMO microbes *MEOR technology for mature oil fields
RAM Biochemicals, Phillip Launt, Project Coordinator, pdlaunt@rambiochemicals.com
Polish Oil & Gas Institute, Dr. Slawomir Falkowicz, falkowicz@inig.pl