Mexico Leads Digital Transformation in Latin America

In Latin America, #transformaciondigital has exploded and Mexico is where has more relevance.

Even though the phenomenon exists since, at least, 2010, on Latin America interest in the subject of Digital Transformation has peaked in the past two years. ClowderTank , the first Consulting Firm specialized in Digital Transformation in Latin America, released the first study about Digital Transformation in the continent, which recorded that interest in this term and other variants have increased by more than one thousand percent in the region.

Through its new technological tools, ClowderTank’s team, lead by Gonzalo Alonso, CEO of the company, measured the number of social networking sites (Twitter, Facebook, blogs, forums, news sites, etc.) in Latin American countries where there was conversation about #TransformaciónDigital since the beginning of 2014 until the current days of 2016.

"The Digital Transformation has already reached Latin America, every day there are more and more conversation on the issue. Every second that decision makers take to understand the importance of transforming their business, communication, listening and engagement with digital audiences models, they get closer to be outlived by those who have embraced Digital Transformation"

Gonzalo Alonso, CEO of ClowderTank

The finding was a colossal increase in mentions on #TransformaciónDigital in each year, especially when comparing only the first two months: January and February. The results went from 811 in 2014 to 2,344 in 2015 and finally to 13,472 in 2016, a total increase of 1,061 percent.

Mexico tops the list with 21.13% of the total conversation and, surprisingly, Venezuela is the second country where Digital Transformation has more presence in the online sphere with 18.26%, followed by Argentina with 13.71%, Colombia with 12.10% and Peru 5.11%.

Currently, Digital Transformation is a subject of CEO's and directors

Demographically, those who speak about Digital Transformation are persons 35 years of age or older, which exposes the next insights:

1) It is a theme that runs between senior management and the CEO's of Latin American companies.

2) It also could mean that the subject is important between those who may not be too familiar with the Digital world, but don’t want to be left behind.

3) Young people, Millenials, do not talk about Digital Transformation because they are already digital, they don’t see this phenomenon as a transformation.

In another hand, Twitter has remained as the preferred way of communication to talk about Digital Transformation in the countries of Latin America. The most used Twitter hashtags show that in Latin America, Digital Transformation is still seen as an issue strongly linked with Human Resources and Marketing.

#digital              2,100+

#rrhh                1,200 +

#marketing      1,100 +

While the increase in the volume of the conversation about Digital Transformation has seen a steady increase, there were weeks in which various events pushed the subject; a clear example was when Real Madrid announced on Twitter the praise received from Microsoft by leading the Digital Transformation in Sports, being the tweet more shared by users in Spanish in the past two years.