Merit Management Group Inc. Takes Dallas

The President of Merit Management Group Inc. highlighted a recent team trip to Dallas, Texas for a national leadership conference. He also outlined a few ways to become a high-level networker.

​The most recent Merit Management Group Inc. travel event took several of the firm’s top performers to the heart of Texas for a leadership conference. Glen, the company’s President, explained that this event brought some of the premier names in the customer acquisition industry together to discuss best practices and offer advice. Glen added that Steven, Devonte, and Sailika accompanied him to Dallas and returned to the office inspired to implement what they learned.

Glen noted that Steven is one of the firm’s top leaders and is currently looking to build his own crew. Devonte is a newer member of Team Merit Management Group Inc. Glen explained that Devonte’s insightful leadership qualities have already added value to the organization. The President added that Sailika sets the pace each day around the Merit Management Group Inc. office and is building a team of her own.

The goals of trips like the Dallas conference are to learn different strategies for future business endeavors and freshen up existing skills. Glen remarked that expanding contact lists is another key objective of every Merit Management Group Inc. travel opportunity. Steven, Devonte, and Sailika have a wealth of valuable new connections from their Dallas experience.

Merit Management Group Inc.’s President Offers Tips for Becoming a Power Networker

There are a few key strategies anyone can use to elevate his or her networking game. Glen explained that some of the simplest techniques are the most effective when it comes to adding new contacts. The firm’s associates have become top-flight networkers because they keep things simple during big industry events of all kinds.

Small talk is one key tool that can make networking easier. When they meet other top performers at conferences, members of Team Merit Management Group Inc. focus their icebreakers on appropriate topics. Interesting moments from keynote speeches, breakout session topics, or even places to visit around the event site are all good entry points to productive discussions.

There’s no substitute for careful listening when trying to add names to a contact list. Glen noted that team members use nonverbal cues such as leaning in slightly to show genuine interest as they interact with potential connections. Follow-up questions are also helpful, because they keep the other person talking and indicate a high degree of interest in a long-term relationship.

About Merit Management Group

Merit Management Group is a leading provider of customer acquisition services for Inspire Energy. Their partnership brings renewable energy solutions and smart technology options to homes and businesses across Illinois. The team shares a passion to do good, spreading messages about the benefits of affordable clean energy. They use key research analysis and in-depth training to connect with consumers on a personal level and generate powerful results. Their value-driven approach boosts Inspire Energy’s work to create a more sustainable world. Learn more about Merit Management Group’s zeal for greening the planet through clean energy. Visit

Source: Merit Management Group