Meland Networks Now Open in Dallas, Texas

As of April 2019, Meland Networks is open for business in Dallas, Texas. The leaders of this customer acquisition agency look forward to being part of this thriving community. They are currently recruiting new team members as well.

Austin is Meland Networks’ Director of Operations. He shared his excitement about this new office and the opportunities to expand the market footprint for the national service partners the firm represents. While a small business right now, Austin expects that the company will rapidly grow, especially once his team is in place.

As with any new business, Meland Networks’ success will depend on the people hired. That’s why Austin seeks career-oriented people to join the team. In particular, he is interested in meeting with candidates who possess qualities that predict long-term professional growth, such as a positive attitude, eagerness to learn, and a track record of collaboration. Austin noted that the firm offers competitive salaries and plenty of perks, such as chances to travel.

Because Meland Networks has a solid training program, skills are not as important as other traits. Austin envisions building a diverse team of talented individuals from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. He recognizes that when people have different perspectives and knowledge, the company’s overall innovation increases as well. As he noted, this is especially important when creating fresh outreach campaigns for leading telecommunications firms.

Meland Networks’ Director of Operations on Company Culture

With his business opening, Austin is focused on creating a positive company culture within Meland Networks. He understands that setting the right tone and environment from the start is the foundation on which all other success will be based. 

The team is Austin’s first focus as he recruits talent from within the Dallas area. Cultural fit and shared values are vital when it comes to creating an atmosphere that’s ideal for collaboration and working toward common goals. His vision is that each person who joins the firm will have many opportunities for professional development beyond initial training, such as by attending national conferences and other events. The company’s promotion policy is merit-based, so everyone is encouraged to put their best foot forward to advance. 

At the same time, Austin is adamant about building a core group that works together seamlessly. To support this plan, he looks forward to fun team nights, friendly office contests, and other activities that encourage all team members to get to know and trust each other.

Now that Meland Networks is open, Austin invites professionals to apply online at XXX and see what positions are available. 

About Meland Networks:
Meland Networks brings the best of telecommunications services and home security systems to customers. The firm’s direct marketing approach engages consumers and builds strong rapports that both drives conversion rates and builds a solid base for future business. The highly trained team has the know-how and insights to create focused campaigns that deliver personalized messages. Real-time monitoring allows them to quickly respond to marketplace trends and ensure optimized outcomes. By focusing on both customers’ needs and team members’ growth, Meland Networks connects the dots to achieve success. Visit to learn more about their strategy and accomplishments. 

Source: Meland Networks

About Meland Networks