MD Synergy To Support Haiti And Chile Relief Efforts

MD Synergy Donates PRO Practice Management to Physicians Aiding Earthquake Stricken Areas - Haiti and Chile.

WOODLAND HILLS, California (March 22, 2010) - - MD Synergy Solutions, LLC., a company specializing in web-based practice management, EMR and billing software for physician practices and billing companies, has announced that it is going to help facilitate and speed up the process of medical care for victims effected by the recent Haiti and Chile quakes. The company plans to accomplish this by offering its practice management module, PRO Practice Management, at no cost to physicians interested in assisting with medical relief for these disaster afflicted regions, over the next six months.

PRO Practice Management is an element of an integrated suite of modules called PRO Solutions, which seamlessly work together to save physicians and billing companies time and money, improve efficiencies and increase revenue. The module simplifies, hastens and automates administrative tasks that exhaust physician's resources. It encompasses a host of online tools- patient scheduler, email appointment reminders, automated patient reminder call, eSuperbill, electronic payments, electronic claims, real time claim tracking, real time eligibility, integrated web-based fax, integrated credit card processing, access to patient charts, transcription service and electronic medical record.

Taking the events of Haiti and Chile into account, physicians will solely use PRO Practice Management to better manage their patients through the module's appointment scheduler, as well as have access to patient charts. With the help of PRO Practice Management, the time utilized to obtain records, schedule appointments and examine patients will be minimal. As MD Synergy CEO, Randhir Tuli explains, it will "ultimately improve efficiency and create a more streamlined workflow" for physicians and staff members. "When there are thousands of patients/victims at hand, a paperless system will enable physicians to focus on saving lives."