Mayden Deal Strengthens HealthMotive's Reputation as SMSP Powerhouse

Mayden has entered into a contract with HealthMotive to incorporate HealthMotive's innovative Spine Messaging Handler (SMH) product into Mayden's product offering.

This follows the recent accreditation of SMH as a formally accredited ITK-compliant Spine Mini Services Provider (SMSP) by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC)[1], meaning that healthcare software vendors and end-user organisations which use SMH as an SMSP can bypass the need for accreditation of their own systems.

The SMSP service will allow Mayden to quickly and securely access patient demographic information and NHS numbers from the NHS Spine without organisations having to be individually accredited. This agreement is the largest contract to date involving this type of specialist Personal Demographics Service (PDS) integration software, with Mayden's IAPTus product alone serving over 90 Health Trusts. 

HealthMotive assisted Mayden in transferring from their previous supplier’s SMSP to the new service. The tightness of the ITK specification means that transferring between SMSP vendors is a matter of 'plug-and-play'. Mayden chose to enter into a contract with HealthMotive for two main reasons: lower costs and greater flexibility in terms of both the technical solution and the licensing options. Operations Director at Mayden, Chris Eldridge, explains ”HealthMotive offered us the flexibility we need to ensure that we can build SMH into our range of existing products, and gives us confidence that we can add value to future Mayden systems by making this option available to new clients.”

SMH is an out-of-the-box solution that can be easily integrated to any system and enables direct communication with the NHS' PDS. Healthmotive provides system developers with a set of technical libraries and an Internet-hosted test instance of SMH, meaning that integration can take as little as 24hrs to achieve.

SMH’s cross-platform architecture allows for easy deployment, low maintenance and flexible usage based on the license model. The product offers: batch or real-time access to Spine data; use with either an embedded or external database; cloud-hosted or locally deployed options; low resource requirements; and per-transaction or per-installation licensing models. In addition, SMH is the first SMSP accredited for multi-tenanted use, meaning that multiple organisations can use a single instance.

HealthMotive is currently developing their SMH product offering by incorporating two further SMSP extensions  to allow customers to query other national databases such as the Child Protection -Information Sharing Project (CP-IS) and the Summary Care Record. According to HealthMotive Director, Paul Richardson "these further extensions will underpin SMH's credentials as the 'Swiss army knife' of Spine connectivity; an indispensable tool for any healthcare system vendor."

About HealthMotive

HealthMotive is a healthcare solutions company that focuses on providing the tools for other healthcare systems companies, e.g. PAS vendors, to connect to the NHS Spine. Their Spine Message Handler product is a mature, cross-platform component that is used for Choose and Book, PDS, electronic prescriptions and pathology messaging. HealthMotive consists of highly experienced healthcare informatics professionals that are trained to cater for all business or clinical needs.

 For more information visit:

About Mayden

Mayden specialises in innovative, flexible and cloud-based software solutions. They are driven by the desire to add real value to healthcare by developing applications that have the power to change the way services are delivered by staff, and experienced by patients. Their patient management system for psychological therapies (IAPTus) is the market leading solution and is being used by over 90 organisations nationwide covering 70% of the country. IAPTus is just one of a broad range of Mayden’s products and services that will integrate SMH to allow users to securely look up key data from the Spine. 

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[1]SMH was put through compliance under the Silverlink name but they don't sell it directly; HealthMotive is the exclusive VAR.