Matthew Pollard Announces Second Book in Introvert's Edge Series During National Introverts Week, Naturally

CHAPEL HILL, N.C., March 22, 2019 ( - This week recognizes introverts. Annually, the third week in March marks National Introverts Week, launched nationwide by author and coach Matthew Pollard — an introvert himself — to dispel the stigma of introversion and instead celebrate its strengths. Pollard’s first book The Introvert’s Edge showed introverts how to embrace their authentic selves when selling, instead of trying to mimic their extroverted colleagues. Known as “The Rapid Growth Guy,” he works with both small businesses and large organizations to transform their struggles into multimillion-dollar successes. The Introvert’s Edge was a bestseller on both and Audible, as well as being named one of the best books of the year by Top Sales World Magazine. HarperCollins Leadership has just announced Pollard’s follow-up The Introvert’s Edge to Networking, a guide that shows readers there’s more to networking than just showing up to an event.
“As an introvert myself, I’m excited we have experts like Matthew Pollard empowering introverts and helping others understand us. Matthew’s insights have already equipped thousands of introverts to become more effective at sales and now many more will be ready to more effectively network through The Introvert’s Edge to Networking,” said Jeff James, vice president and publisher of HarperCollins Leadership.
Pollard writes, “Asking a hardcore introvert to get excited about working the room is like hiring a performing artist to get excited about accounting: it’s just not in their nature.” This week, and year-round, Pollard aims to attack the misconception that “the gift of gab” is required for sales results and business success. Rather than focusing on limitations of introversion, his work focuses on harnessing people’s unique abilities into an edge for success. And next, networking.
About Matthew Pollard: By age 30, Pollard was responsible for five multimillion-dollar business success stories across a diverse range of industries, earning him the nickname “The Rapid Growth Guy.” Once terrified of selling, today he teaches thousands how to do it and has so far transformed over 3,500 struggling businesses. Called “the real deal” by Forbes, Matthew is an internationally award-winning sales blogger and the founder and executive director of Small Business Festival, ranked among the top five business conferences in the nation by Inc. Pollard coaches one-on-one and through his online Rapid Growth Academy. He also hosts The Introvert’s Edge podcast and inspires people worldwide as a best-selling author and speaker. For more information, visit
Media Contact:
Katie Breen
Phone: 919.819.4408
Source: Matthew Pollard