Lee Armstrong's New Book 'My Teacher Changed My Life' is a Heartwarming Story That Exhibits Hope to Anyone Who Feels That the Road to Success Isn't for Them

Fulton Books author Lee Armstrong, a compassionate writer born in Auburn, Indiana, has completed his most recent book "My Teacher Changed My Life": a poignant tale that recounts Armstrong's hurdles throughout his life and the wisdom he obtained which honed him to be the current version of himself. He wrote this publication to stand as witness that an act of kindness can touch someone's heart and may change their lives forever.

Lee writes, "It has been a very interesting life, both professional and personal. After going to six different high schools (including summer school), I never graduated. My goal in life from an early age was to be an automotive engineer. In my senior year of high school with no chance of graduating, I abandoned that goal. One of my teachers, after hearing of my dreams falling apart, worked with me and got me into a fantastic engineering school without needing to complete high school. This was in 1962.

Over the years, I completed my master's level in mechanical, electrical, and systems engineering and in computer science. Almost all of my career was in planning for and developing future technologies of many types. A few years ago, while at a resort in Sint Maarten, I met another couple and the man asked me what I did and turned out that both of us were engineers. He then asked what kind of work I did and with what companies, and when I replied, he practically shouted, 'Oh my god, you are that Lee Armstrong! I researched and studied everything I could find that you wrote and did.'

My first marriage was good at first, but then she started an affair with a man just getting out of prison for murdering his wife. I tried to get her to end it, including moving to a different state. She even said, 'Why can't you just share me?'

My second wife was incredible (she passed as this was being prepared for printing). After forty years of marriage, I still had a hard, passionate love for her; we were not just a couple. For a long time, my work took me all over the world. She started to come with me, and we would usually spend another week or two as vacation time. I was consulting, so I could work anywhere, even on that tropical beach. Between work and pleasure, for many years, we averaged six months a year away from home, averaged for about fifteen years, going to five different countries each year."

Published by Fulton Books, Lee Armstrong's book is a moving work that persuades its readers to never lose hope because there's always a rainbow after the rain.

Readers who wish to experience this riveting work can purchase "My Teacher Changed My Life" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

Source: Fulton Books