Leading Six Sigma Accrediting Body CSSC Changing the Face of the Six Sigma Industry

NEW YORK, October 29, 2019 (Newswire.com) - The Council for Six Sigma Certification (CSSC) has recently named The University of Mississippi as its 280th CSSC-accredited Six Sigma Training Provider. For those that are unaware, CSSC is the largest accreditation provider of colleges, universities, and private training organizations in the Six Sigma Industry worldwide.
CSSC now represents over four times the total number of training organizations as the second-largest accrediting agency, the International Association for Six Sigma Certification (IASSC). At the time of this publication, IASSC currently lists approximately 60 accredited Six Sigma Training organizations. The Council for Six Sigma Certification (CSSC) continues as the standard for accreditation in the Six Sigma Industry with almost 300 rigorously vetted training organizations.
“The industry spoke and we listened,” explains CSSC’s founder, Craig Setter. “I think our strict accreditation criteria sets us apart in the Six Sigma Industry. In order to obtain our accreditation for a Black Belt program, our providers need to not only show that they have a rigorous program as far as content, but we are also looking at their Six Sigma Project Component.”
A Six Sigma project is a time-consuming undertaking that proves a Six Sigma Trainee’s mastery of the subject material and affords some on-the-job experience with the strategies and tools of the Six Sigma Methodology. Akin to a final project, not only is it time-consuming for the Six Sigma Trainee, but also for the Six Sigma Training Provider to read and grade. According to Setter, a trend in the industry has been to stray away from the Six Sigma Project component over the past decade in favor of ease. CSSC was the first in the industry to address this issue head-on several years ago.
Every CSSC-accredited provider has sought our accreditation by completing the necessary application. Programs are double-checked and vetted to ensure that strict requirements are met by each Six Sigma Training Provider. It is common for CSSC to see a rejected training provider adjust their program in order to reapply. “This proves that CSSC has been successful in improving the Six Sigma Industry as a whole, a mission that we have been very proud to undertake,” Setter added.
CSSC has grown so much over the past decade to include major universities like Boston University, University of Chicago and Rutgers. Large corporations, like Coca Cola, to government agencies, like the Internal Revenue Service, have applied for CSSC accreditation. Setter is very proud to advance the Six Sigma Industry with a Central Accreditation Body like the Council for Six Sigma Certification. In fact, CSSC is often approached by organizations in just about every industry, namely, governments, banks, healthcare networks, and oil and gas corporations. “They all know it is not profitable to cut corners, and our accreditation is the largest and most trusted in the industry for a reason,” concludes Setter.
About the Council for Six Sigma Certification (CSSC)
Originally founded in 2005, the Council for Six Sigma Certification (CSSC) serves as an official industry standard of Six Sigma Accreditation for Six Sigma training providers worldwide. CSSC is a professional accrediting body within the Six Sigma Industry that does not sell training, mentoring, coaching, nor consulting services. In addition to accrediting training providers that meet strict criteria for the advancement of the Six Sigma Industry at no cost, it also provides access to Lean Six Sigma resources, tools for locating best-fit training providers, low-cost self-study certifications, and more. Visit sixsigmacouncil.org for more information.
Contact Information: Craig Setter, info@sixsigmacouncil.org, 888-672-7720
Source: The Council for Six Sigma Certification