Laura Kane's New Book 'Luceat Lux Vestra' is a Heartwarming Account That Follows a Woman's Journey to Finding Self-Love and Acknowledging Her Worth

Fulton Books author Laura Kane, a brain cancer survivor, a domestic violence advocate, a former professional in parks and recreation director with marketing, a Certified Nursing Assistant, has completed her most recent book "Luceat Lux Vestra": a revelatory read that contains insightful life lessons. Laura Kane talks about the importance of knowing her purpose and how she has always been enough and whole. This is her beautiful journey of loving all the imperfect parts of her and finding her soulmate: herself.

"Have you ever felt darkness in a room full of light? You're not alone! Luceat Lux Vestra, meaning 'let your light shine' in Latin, follows author, Laura Kane, through a spiritual, emotional, and physical journey of finding yourself as she teaches you that YOU are whole on your own. Each chapter teaches that YOU are your own soul mate. YOU are courageous and need no one else to make you whole. Journey with Laura through 19 chapters of relationships, some romantic, some family, some animals, some friends. The narrative will teach lessons regarding adversities, such as:

•           Addiction

•           Mental Health

•           Domestic violence 

•           Cancer

•           Disability

•           Spirituality

•           And much more.

Luceat Lux Vestra will take you on a journey of tears, laughter, chaos, heartbreak, and love. You won't be able to put it down and by the end you'll learn to let your light shine. Each chapter relates back to a song by musician, Andrew McMahon. Andrew was the lead singer for a popular band, Something Corporate then went on to create Jack's Mannequin and now has his own band, Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness. He also has a young adult cancer organization called Dear Jack. A profit from each book sold will go to the Dear Jack Foundation."

Published by Fulton Books, Laura Kane's book is an endearing nonfiction filled with messages about self-love that women readers should know and practice. 

It's a great read that reminds women to never lose their light, no matter how many times the world tries to crush their spirit.

Readers who wish to experience this inspiring work can purchase "Luceat Lux Vestra" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Author Support via email at or via telephone at 877-210-0816. 

Source: Fulton Books