Koenders Water Solutions Inc. Announces Partnership with Audubon International
Online, May 29, 2014 (Newswire.com) - Koenders Water Solutions Inc. announced today that the company has partnered with Audubon International as a corporate sponsor of the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program (ACSP).
The ASCP is an award winning education and certification program that helps entities such as golf courses, parks, and businesses protect the environment and enhance the valuable natural areas and wildlife habitats that these operations provide. In becoming a corporate sponsor, Koenders company officials have made their support for Audubon International publicly known and are working with Audubon International management to partner on various initiatives where natural restoration and ultimate enhancement of wildlife habitat is critical.
"Partnering with an organization like Audubon International is really the perfect relationship for Koenders, as both organizations have similar goals to improve the environment," said company Vice President, Doug Hicks. "Audubon's extensive work world-wide really connects with the Koenders philosophy, as we work towards natural, environmentally friendly, solutions for pond care."
The partnership also provides Audubon International members with a discount on Koenders' environmentally safe and effective water solutions. Audubon International members include municipalities, hotels, ski hills, and golf courses, all of who manage their water resources in an environmentally responsible way. Koenders Wind Powered Aeration Systems and Nature's Pond Conditioner products are specifically designed for this purpose.
About Audubon International
Audubon International is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) environmental education organization dedicated to providing people with the education and assistance they need to practice responsible management of land, water, wildlife, and other natural resources. To meet this mission, the organization provides training, services, and a set of award-winning environmental education and certification programs for individuals, organizations, properties, new developments, and entire communities. For more information, contact Joe Madeira at Audubon International, (518)767-9051 ext. 105, e-mail at joe@auduboninternational.org, or visit the website at www.auduboninternational.org.
About Koenders Water Solutions Inc.
Koenders Water Solutions Inc. is the innovator and world's leading manufacturer of windmill aeration systems. The Company was founded in 1988 to offer farmers and other pond owners environmentally friendly and cost effective solutions to keep their pond water clean and safe in the most sustainable way. KWS added Energy Efficient Electric Aeration Systems to their line in the mid 1990's. In the early 2000s, working with a team of bio-chemists and pond water application engineers, KWS set out to design North America's first all-inclusive chemical free pond conditioner; an "All-In-One" completely natural solution safe for humans and wildlife. The result of this effort was Nature's Pond Conditioner which launched in 2007 and is now in use by thousands of satisfied pond owners world-wide. More recently the company launched Natures Pond Conditioner GOLF COURSE EDITION specifically designed to tackle the unique pond care challenges faced by Golf Courses. Today, KWS serves over 60,000 customers worldwide in almost every region of the world. For more information visit www.koenderswatersolutions.com or www.koenderswindmills.com.