Johnnies Toy Chest Offers Educational Products, Toys, Furniture and More at a Discounted Price

Site offers products for children

A new site that gives parents, grandparents and friends access to high quality products for children has launched.

Johnnies Toy Chest is dedicated to being a one-stop superstore for items for children from toddlers to age 10, owner Johnnie Ballenger said.

"We understand how important education is; education at home from an early age is key for the success of children. We offer toys to engage learning while having fun, books that pique their interest and tools to help them along the way during these crucial years."

Johnnie Ballenger, Owner

The site sells everything from toys to help young children learn to count to building blocks and toy sets to the essential furniture to keep toys and books organized. Ballenger said having a full range of products was an important goal when launching the site.

“We want to make sure we offer things such as blocks to stimulate creativity, easels for your children to expand their imagination through drawing and learning how to write, books to expand their mind and to stimulate reading, bookshelves for their wonderful books and a lot more,” he said. “We know that children learn in their own specific ways, at their own speeds and through their own unique techniques. That’s why we wanted to offer a wide variety of products, so no matter where a child might be, his or her family and friends can find something engaging.”

The goal, he said, is to make sure that kids have the opportunity to learn something new every day, so they’re prepared for school and have a strong foundation to grow on.

More information is available at