Indie Children Book Author Gives Out Free Kindle Books for Kids Today

Amazon Kindle Publishing is the game changer when it comes to self publishing. They have helped many unknown author become best seller many would not have be. Steve is among the author on Kindle Amazon who is giving away one of his kids book FREE.

Fiction is the go to book genre for many book fans and readers. Since Amazon kindle has demystified the herculean task of publishing,many indie authors are making best selling book using Amazon Kindle. There is surge of authors writing fiction books as this genre had successively be at the top of best selling on Amazon.

Since the making of the Kindle tablet for children,there has been a shift, not too noticeable from just writing fiction book for teens and adult. But, kids are having books that is tailored to their learning needs. The Kindle Children Book creator software has opened a new vista for authors who would like to make books for kids.

Knowledge is power.

Kayode, Mr.

Children book that had reached the top 100 best sellers is increasing by day.Among then are books like;"Diary of a Wimpy Kid",The Book without Pictures",Fart Book Series as well. Kids books are beginning to become best selling books.

Steve is following the current surge in children books by joining the community of children book author with his Rare Animals Picture Books Series. Steve already have 5 books in the series which is targeted towards teaching kids about rare animals that are not common in the wild or jungle.

The Rare Animals Picture Book Series is priced for $2.99. But,Steve is doing a giveaway using the KDP Select window provided by Amazon Kindle. One of the Rare Animals Picture books series titled Rare Dinosaurs Picture Books for Kids is currently FREE today and tomorrow.

All Kids book fans and parents have so much kiddies books to have free from the Kindle store. Amazon Kindle bazaar of Free books has changed the game in the publishing world.

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