Incline Management Behind Second Annual Operation Hydration

Part of Incline Management’s role as a community leader is to give back on a regular basis. The firm’s President announced that he and his team recently supported the second annual Operation Hydration.

“We had a blast during this event,” said Brandon, Incline Management’s President. “It means a lot to us to support a region that does so much for our business. We’re focused on being Aurora’s biggest contributors, and participating in Operation Hydration is one of several ways to do so.”

"It means a lot to us to support a region that does so much for our business. We're focused on being Aurora's biggest contributors, and participating in Operation Hydration is one of several ways to do so."

Brandon, President

According to Brandon, giving back offers a wide range of benefits. In addition to making a positive difference in the community, it brings the team members closer. When they spend time away from the Incline Management headquarters, they strengthen their relationships. As a result, performance, collaboration, and morale increase.

“Through our volunteer work, we also meet lots of great people and pick up new skills and information along the way,” stated Brandon. “These things are invaluable. Furthermore, when the public knows we’re dedicated to philanthropy, they are inspired to do business with us and even join our team.”

Incline Management President Elaborates on Women Lift Women Frequency Project

“Operation Hydration is a project of the Women Lift Women Frequency organization,” Brandon continued. “It’s a local group with expertise in a variety of areas, ranging from vision development to motivational speaking. This event focused on giving voice to the homeless in Colorado Springs.”

Carly, the Human Resources Intern, at Incline Management commented about her experience, “It was definitely a gratifying experience. I love being apart of a company that provides opportunities to get involved in the community.”

By interviewing several individuals struggling with homelessness, the organizations raised awareness of the issue. One man discussed his journey walking to Colorado from Arizona. Along his journey he stayed with and learned from some Hopi Indians. Another man shared his troubles of being cut from benefits – even as a disabled veteran. The lack of support left him to live in his car.

“The experience was both eye-opening and humbling for us,” added Brandon. “We learn about the high incidence of mental illness and drug addiction among the homeless population. We found out about the dirty looks and hateful remarks these people receive every day. As we passed out water, we better understood the need for greater human compassion.”

Brandon also discussed the presence of small homeless communities who spend the warmer months in the Rocky Mountains. Entire families live there, which further illuminates the issue of homelessness as a societal concern. “The impact of Incline Management is like a small drop in a big ocean, but we are undoubtedly making a difference. The more we do, the bigger the wave.”

About Incline Management

Incline Management’s team members have propelled the firm to leadership status in Aurora. Using a dynamic marketing approach, they fuse innovation, data insights, and unique communication channels to captivate buyers on behalf of growing brands. The results include high conversion rates and bigger bottom lines. With the support of top-tier management and a commitment to staying on top of the latest trends, these experts push businesses to the front of the marketplace. Their passion and drive are evident in all their work. Learn more at
