IMT-CDL Launches Brand New Study Material Focuses Intensely On User-Friendliness Of Content

IMT-CDL has launched a brand new, updated version of its curriculum this October. The updated version is as per the policy IMT-CDL adopted in 2011, under which the entire PGDM curriculum will be updated every six months

Interviewer - The new look of the study material is a neat and stylish one. The 6 books in which this has been compiled also seem to be more concise. Can you tell us more about the content of this latest version of your study material?

Dr. Sherry - The look and feel of the latest version of the study material that is now being dispatched to the students of our programme, is completely new. The idea was to make the books attractive enough for students to begin flipping pages. We've also worked extensively on the user-friendliness of the language in this version. Distance learning programmes do not have regular, face-to-face interaction with the faculty, and therefore IMT-CDL focuses intensely on the user-friendliness of its study material.

Interviewer -What was the process of reviewing and updating the study material for the IMT-CDL programme?

Dr. Sherry - The content of the programme has been reviewed by the IMT-CDL committee, consisting of two external experts and four in-house expert faculty members, specifically constituted for this purpose. The committee compiles all the feedback that is received from our students, the alumni and top industry professionals. This time around, new papers have been added, and modifications have been made as per industry requirements and latest trends in business education. In fact, the entire curriculum of the six compulsory papers has undergone a complete change; new case studies have been introduced, and new trends in the market have been captured.

Interviewer - What was the feedback that you received from industry, students, alumni and faculty?

Dr. Sherry - Earlier we were alluding mostly to Indian case studies and authors in our programme. This time around we have shifted to a more global approach, with findings of authors and experts from all over the world quoted in our study material. For example, the most popular reference book for Marketing is 'Marketing Management' by Philip Kotler. We've used this book as and where our curriculum demands. This is one major shift in the IMT-CDL content philosophy.

Interviewer - How often is this process of revisiting the study material conducted by IMT-CDL?

Dr. Sherry - The feedback on the course material is recorded round the year, and is compiled once every six months when the committee comes together. There is an exchange of opinions on email as well, till we lock the updates and changes, and take care of redundancy.

Interviewer - How do you synchronise the online content with the printed study material dispatched to your students?

Dr. Sherry - You see, it's much easier to update content online, and we do so as and when something new comes up. Printed study material for such a large number of students (IMT-CDL has an intake of 15,000 students annually) is something that takes time. We bring out the updated version every six months. However, thanks to technology, the IMT-CDL faculty is in constant touch with their students, through our portals, emails, etc. All new material is sent to the students and updated on the site, so that they do not miss out on learning opportunities.

Interviewer - Do students have the option of subscribing to an online content system only?

Dr. Sherry - We have decided to provide all possible avenues of access to the curriculum, and therefore we do not have such a selective option. It is a well-studied philosophy based on our experience. Be it printed material, online content, video conferencing, classroom interaction with faculty, or one-day marathon sessions, we don't believe in regulating the avenues for access to content. A student should have access to our material in all forms and at all times.