Image Wisely Campaign Promotes Lower Radiation Levels In Diagnostic Imaging

The Image Wisely campaign encourages medical facilities to use lower levels of radiation. In Nevada, Steinberg Diagnostic Medical Imaging is the only facility to complete all three steps of the pledge.

Image Wisely is a new campaign that focuses on lowering the amount of radiation used in diagnostic imaging. The campaign is in response to studies finding that patients were undergoing unnecessary levels of radiation. The Joint Task Force, American Association and Physicist in Medicine and American Society of Radiologic Technologists collaborated to promote awareness.

Image Wisely offers a three-step accreditation process for medical facilities.

The first step requires facilities and medical professionals to take the pledge. The second step means the facility has to earn an accreditation from a radiation-related organization. It must meet all of the following attributes:

  • Radiation dose in compliance with accreditation thresholds
  • Clinical image quality
  • Phantom image quality
  • Personnel

The final step that the radiology facility must meet requires them to participate in a dose index registry. All medical facilities taking this pledge must follow these guidelines:

  1. Radiologists must inform patients of the benefits and potential risks of exams.
  2. Radiation should be emitted at the lowest levels.
  3. The facility should comply with default imaging techniques.
  4. Automatic exposure control and other dose reduction methodologies should be used.
  5. Radiologists should manually monitor dose indices.
  6. Radiologists should review the number of exams performed on patients.
  7. The facility should provide ongoing education for medical professionals.

Currently in the state of Nevada, Steinberg Diagnostic Medical Imaging is the only radiology facility to complete all three steps successfully. In addition to completing the Image Wisely steps, this facility has also pledge the Image Gently campaign, which caters toward pediatric patients.

Steinberg Diagnostic Medical Imaging can be contacted at 702.732.6000. Visit the website at or in-person at one of their six locations.