Homeowners in Miami Florida Surprised to Learn That People Are Lining Up to Buy Their Homes
Online, March 17, 2014 (Newswire.com) - As the housing market begins the process of recovering from the crash that occurred in 2008, many homeowners in Miami Florida are surprised to find that their homes are suddenly in demand again.
"Because inventory is low, people who want to buy a home are competing heavily," says Ellen Mitchel, CDPE, RE/MAX Executive Realty. "The result is that prices are going up and sellers are in a very powerful position."
During the housing crash, many homeowners found themselves in danger of losing their home to foreclosure. "Today, those homeowners that have been able to wait until the market improved may be able to sell the home without having to take the hit that a foreclosure, or even a short sale, will have on their credit," Mitchel said.
As a Certified Distressed Property Expert® (CDPE), Ellen Mitchel is specially trained to help homeowners facing foreclosure understand their options, and to help them understand all the facts of their circumstances. "It's important that homeowners in distress understand that they're not alone. There are alternatives to foreclosure, and with recent equity gains, many may have a viable way out of a difficult situation," Mitchel said.
Ellen Mitchel has developed a free report entitled, "Return of the Housing Market," which is accessible from her website, www.EllenHelpsHomeowners.com.
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