Heating Company Provides Infrared Hot Yoga Systems Internationally

More than 400 Hot Yoga Studios Served by Heating Green
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Ever since a customer asked Heating Green owner Jeff Caldwell if he could heat hot yoga with infrared heating panels in 2011,  Heating Green stepped up to serve yoga studios with their unique heating needs. Today, its clientele list includes Lyons Den Power Yoga, Yoga Pod, Tracy Anderson fitness studios, and much more. While most of the 400-and-counting studios served to date are located across North America, Heating Green has served yoga studios in Mexico, Sweden, Belgium, Romania, and Mongolia, for a total of 13 countries.

Becoming a preferred choice for hot yoga, infrared heat is a safe spectrum of light that is invisible to the eye and is experienced in the form of heat. Transferring radiantly, directly to objects and people, infrared heat is best described as the feeling of sun-like warmth.

Just before opening iShine I was driving 30 minutes across town to practice under infrared panels at a friends' studio because I loved the way my body felt after practice.

Genevieve Boulanger, iShine Yoga Owner

“Just before opening iShine I was driving 30 minutes across town to practice under infrared panels at a friends’ studio because I loved the way my body felt after practice,” said Genevieve Boulanger, owner of iShine Yoga.

Using 20-40 percent less energy than other systems, as well as having longer product life spans than traditional heating systems, owner Jeff Caldwell named his business Heating Green in 2007.

“A growing number of our yoga customers are hearing about us from their friend or colleague that use our heaters. Infrared hot yoga is definitely being sought after more and more, and some of our customers pride themselves on being the first infrared studio in their local area,” Caldwell said.​

For more information about Heating Green, or infrared radiant heating, please visit heatinggreen.com or call 360-715-4328.

Source: Heating Green LLC

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