Health Briefs Discovers What Happens When Doctors Gather Their Collective Experience

Health Briefs highlights a website where doctors share their experience.

The Health Briefs TV show has spotted an exciting new website that could help doctors with difficult diagnoses. No matter how medical science advances, often a correct diagnosis is due in large part to an individual doctor's own personal experience. Older, experienced physicians have long been desirable simply because they have seen many patients present with strange and rare conditions. Sometimes, a new patient's life can be saved strictly because an experienced doctor recognized an obscure symptom. Now, in the spirit of Wiki, the open, contributory type of website that made Wikipedia a vast success, there is a medical website where doctors can contribute their stories, their experiences and their collective wisdom so that it is available to other doctors as well. Called, the site can be thought of as a central depository for the kind of experience that makes an individual, experienced physician such a treasured resource.

The Health Briefs TV show explores the emerging technologies, progressive treatments, revolutionary people, and innovative healthcare options that are all part of the global health industry. It explores topics relating to the health and medical fields and offers valuable information about the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of many common ailments. The show's producers take pride in sharing up-to-date, valuable information about new procedures, prevention tips and outstanding businesses. It also features interviews with innovative health and medical professionals in the industry.

The program is headquartered in South Florida, and films on location throughout the United States and Canada. It is broadcast on most regional and national cable television networks. The show is a proud leader of quality, educational programming. Join the fans, the show's staff and its host on many of the popular social sites to discuss and comment on stories of the day. Learn more about Health Briefs with Terry Bradshaw on Facebook, Google+, Pinterest and