Health Alert: The Surprising Health Benefits And More Of Planting A Garden

Holistic doctor, Michael E Rosenbaum, MD, explains how planting a garden can yield to enormous benefits when it comes to health and global security.

Chlorella researcher, Dr. Leon DeSeblo had a big vision. Years past his 100 birthday, Dr. DeSeblo pursued this vision tirelessly with his research. And key to his big dream was the tiny green algae, chlorella.

He - and many other researchers - hoped that chlorella, with its concentrated nutrition, could easily solve the problem of world hunger. One scientist projected that a thousand-acre chlorella plot could produce an unbelievable 10,000 tons of protein in a year. Dr. DeSeblo often ate a strict chlorella diet for 5 or 6 weeks at a time in order to test the feasibility of depending solely on this tiny powerpack for food.

Despite the initial promise, growing and processing high quality, contaminant-free chlorella is more difficult than originally thought. No one yet has figured out a way to grow low cost, clean, optimally nutritious chlorella simply and on a small scale.

Yet chlorella manufacturers are keeping Dr. DeSeblo's vision alive. They are still finding ways to help more people enjoy the nourishment of chlorella. For example, Sun Chlorella USA is working with the homeless shelter, Midnight Mission, in Los Angeles to introduce chlorella as a simple answer to the problem of poor nutrition and hunger in this country.

"Even though chlorella hasn't solved the problem of world hunger like researchers once thought it would, Dr. DeSeblo's vision offers BIG lessons and inspiration," points out holistic physician, Dr. Michael E. Rosenbaum, MD. "Dr. DeSeblo's focus on this tiny organism underscored a critical point when it comes to solving big problems like world hunger . . .The real answers may be found not in the big, complicated solutions. But in the littlest ones. Whether it's through cultivating chlorella or some other green food, we can all contribute towards building the world's food security. How? By planting a garden."

It doesn't matter if it's just a window box of herbs, a tiny plot in the back yard, a bed in a community garden or a ten acre farm. Everyone can grow a little something to eat. And by doing so, everyone can help to build a more diverse and sustainable food supply chain.

"I live in Northern California, near some of the best farming country in the world," acknowledges Dr. Rosenbaum. "But even food picked just this morning and trucked to my local farmer's market is nothing like the nutrition you can get from eating food right out of your garden. With few exceptions, the sooner you eat food after it's picked, the higher it is in nutrition. One study out of the University of California found that after just a week, vegetables can lose as much as 15-77% of their vitamin C. In addition, you can know for a fact your food is grown organically. And you can choose varieties for their distinctive nutrition - like super beta-carotene-rich carrots."

But the benefits of growing a garden don't end with nutrition. Gardening contributes to quality of life in much larger ways . . .

• When gardening, people get outside where they can breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the sunshine.

• With everyone locked onto smartphones and losing track of reality, gardening helps ground people again, literally.

• It's a great family activity. Or a project to launch into with friends and neighbors.

• Best of all, gardening is a good way to stay active. Depending on the task, gardening burns an average of 280 calories an hour. Digging, crouching, bending and pushing a wheelbarrow keeps gardeners strong and limber.

Concludes Dr. Rosenbaum, "As a doctor, I see people all the time who feel overwhelmed and are desperate to find ways to restore wellness to their lives. Gardening is a wonderful way to regain control. Not only does it contribute to improving your health in multiple ways - but just like Dr. DeSeblo's work on chlorella - it's also a small but significant step towards solving a big problem we all face as a global community."

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About Michael E. Rosenbaum, MD

Dr. Rosenbaum is a 30-year veteran and widely recognized pioneer in the field of nutritional medicine, alternative healthcare and medical acupuncture. As one of America's most respected experts in natural health and healing, Dr. Rosenbaum has been a frequent lecturer to professional medical groups and has participated in numerous television and radio talk shows. He is also an esteemed member of the Sun Chlorella Advisory Board, which helps guide the medical innovation behind Sun Chlorella products.

About Sun Chlorella USA

Sun Chlorella USA offers the finest quality chlorella products for anti-aging, weight maintenance, energy, heart, brain & digestive system, as well as overall health and wellness for both people and pets. Want to learn more health secrets? Get a free copy of our report, "Why Didn't My Doctor Tell Me About This?!" This eye-opening report, created by 5 pioneering natural health experts, reveal nutritional secrets that can change your life. Go to to get a copy. Also, for special offers, news and updates, follow us on Twitter at @sunchlorellausa or 'Like' us on Facebook at