Greenspan's Anguish (Thoreau As Economic Prophet and Other Essays)

Can the environment and the economy survive and thrive in harmony?

Is it possible for the economy and the environment to survive and thrive in harmony?

"Yes," says Professor James Eggert in his new book, "Greenspan's Anguish (Thoreau as Economic Prophet and Other Essays)" (copyright 2013; Green Dragon Books).

"Greenspan's Anguish" contains 19 essays that explore the relationship between the economy and the environment, sustainability, and our relationship to the universe.

In addition to "Meadowlark Economics," which examines the value of the meadowlark, both as a symbol for what has gone wrong with our economy and as a symbol of what is essential to our existence, the book includes "Thoreau as Economic Prophet," "Darwin's Finches and Ford's Mustangs," "Then the Sun Came Up," "Craftsmanship and Salvation," and "The Coming Repair Age."

James Eggert is a writer and emeritus faculty member of the University of Wisconsin — Stout where he taught undergraduate students for 33 years. He also is the author of "What is Economics (fourth edition)," "Invitation to Economics," "Low-Cost Earth Shelters," "The Wonder of the Tao," and "Meadowlark Economics."

Global warming threatens the extinction of life on Earth. It can no longer be a question of the economy or the environment. We can all have "enough," and we can all do more to help the environment. If we don't do both — we will have neither. Professor Eggert's thought-provoking book is a good starting point.

This book would make a good supplemental text for high school or college classes pertaining to economics, the environment, ecology, sustainability and Henry David Thoreau.

LeAnn R. Ralph is the publicist for Professor Eggert.

About LeAnn R Ralph

LeAnn R Ralph
Route 2
Colfax, WI
